6 Popular Breakfast Foods You Should Never Eat In The Morning Because They Cause Inflammation & Blood Sugar Spikes: Donuts & More

donuts muffins
donuts muffins

Starting your day with the wrong breakfast foods can set you up for a cascade of negative health effects, including inflammation and blood sugar spikes. Many common breakfast options, despite being convenient and tasty, are laden with sugars, refined carbs, and unhealthy fats that can wreak havoc on your body. From sugary cereals to refined carb-loaded bagels, these foods can cause rapid increases in blood sugar levels and trigger inflammatory responses, leading to energy crashes and long-term health issues.

We checked in with Michelle Saari, MSc, RD, from eHealth project; Lisa Richards, creator of The Candida Diet; and Shana Abraham, a NASM-certified personal trainer and Precision Nutrition-certified nutrition coach, to learn about six popular breakfast items that can lead to inflammation and blood sugar spikes. They revealed that cereal, fruit juice, donuts, pastry cakes, granolas, and white bread and bagels are the ones to minimize. Read on to find out why.

1. Cereal

Many cereals are made from refined grains, which lack the fiber found in whole grains. Refined carbohydrates are quickly digested and absorbed into the bloodstream, leading to rapid increases in blood sugar levels. This quick digestion causes insulin to spike, which can contribute to insulin resistance and inflammation over time.

"Not all breakfast cereals are made equal, but they tend to be high in sugar without much other nutritional value. If a cereal doesn’t have fiber, then there is nothing to help regulate your blood sugars. If you want to have a morning breakfast cereal, look for one that has less than 10% of the calories from sugar; ideally, there should be no sugar added to it at all. You can help regulate your blood sugars by eating it with chopped fruit for a source of fiber and milk, which is a good source of protein. By having protein and fiber in foods, it can help to slowly release sugar into your bloodstream, which helps to control blood sugar spikes," Saari says.

2. Fruit Juice

Fruit juice contains a lot of natural sugars. When you drink it, these sugars quickly enter your bloodstream, causing a rapid rise in blood sugar levels.

Liquids are digested and absorbed more quickly than solid foods. Drinking fruit juice causes the sugars to hit your bloodstream faster than eating whole fruits, leading to quick increases in blood sugar.

The high sugar content of these beverages "can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels and contribute to inflammation in the body. Sugary drinks have been associated with an increased risk of insulin resistance, which can lead to weight gain and other health problems," Richards notes.

3. Donuts

Donuts, while delicious, can have detrimental effects on health due to their high sugar and refined flour content. Consuming them regularly can lead to inflammation in the body, as high sugar intake is associated with increased levels of inflammatory markers.

Richards explains why cutting them out may be a good idea to reduce inflammation and stabilize blood sugar levels.

"Donuts have a high content of refined sugars, unhealthy fats, and processed ingredients. They are typically made with refined wheat flour and packed with added sugars, causing a rapid rise in blood glucose levels when consumed. This sudden spike in blood sugar triggers a corresponding surge in insulin to regulate sugar levels, which can be harmful to the body in the long term and lead to insulin resistance," she reveals.

4. Pastry Cakes

Indulging in breakfast pastry cakes may bring momentary pleasure, but the toll they take on inflammation and blood sugar levels should not be overlooked. Loaded with refined sugars, unhealthy fats, and processed flour, these treats can contribute to issues such as weight gain and provoke inflammatory responses within the body.

"Pastry cakes are inflammatory and detrimental to gut health due to their high sugar and refined flour content," Richards warns.

"These ingredients contribute to rapid spikes in blood sugar, prompting the release of insulin and potentially causing chronic inflammation." The excessive consumption of sugar can pose significant health risks, even contributing to the buildup of abdominal fat. By cutting them out, individuals can reduce their overall calorie intake, support better metabolic health, and decrease inflammation—all crucial steps towards achieving better overall health.

5. Granola Bars

Packed with refined grains, added sugars, and often dried fruits or chocolate chips, granola bars can quickly elevate blood sugar levels. Consistent consumption of these high-carb snacks can lead to insulin resistance over time, and the calorie density of granola bars, combined with their high carbohydrate content, can contribute to excessive calorie intake and hinder weight loss efforts if consumed in excess.

"These are glorified chocolate bars without the satisfaction that you get from eating a chocolate bar. They are high in added sugar and high in calories for a very small amount. Skip the granola bars because they really aren’t adding anything to your diet. If you need a snack throughout the day, try making your own trail mix with mixed nuts for protein and healthy fat, popcorn for fiber and whole grains, and a piece of fruit for fiber. This is the ultimate combination to help manage blood sugars and reduce the risk of insulin resistance," says Saari.

6. White Bread and Bagels

White bread and many bagels are made from refined grains, which have had the fiber-rich bran and germ removed during processing. As a result, they lack the fiber content found in whole grains. Fiber plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels, promoting satiety, and supporting a healthy gut microbiota. The absence of fiber in white bread and bagels can lead to imbalances in gut health and contribute to insulin resistance.

"Refined carbohydrates like white bread and bagels lack fiber and can lead to rapid spikes and crashes in blood sugar. Opting for whole-grain or alternative flour options can provide sustained energy and aid in weight loss," Abraham reveals.