6 “Outdated” Hair Tips Your Southern Mother Taught You That Are Actually Wrong

Put down the boxed dye.

<p>Getty Images/<a href="https://www.gettyimages.com/search/photographer?photographer=Debrocke%2FClassicStock">Debrocke/ClassicStock</a>/Contributor</p>

Getty Images/Debrocke/ClassicStock/Contributor

It’s easy to look at our role models through rose-colored glasses, especially when it comes to our memories. There’s a reason that many of us tend to keep some of the same opinions and techniques of our Southern mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and other leading figures who have spent decades gathering experience, especially when it comes to our beauty routines. We watched them, listened to them, and idolized them. How could we find a better signature lipstick shade? Or something more reliable than velcro hot rollers? However, even the most time-honored, passed-down beauty inspirations can prove to be mistaken over time. For all of the Old-School Southern Beauty Tricks That Still Work, there are just as many that don’t.

Here are 6 hair tips your Southern mother taught you that are actually wrong.

Coloring Hair At Home

Often dubbed as a cost-savvy quick fix, we’ve learned that the potential negatives of dyeing hair at home certainly outweigh the benefits. You might have watched your elders bring home boxed dye from the drugstore, but it’s best to leave it to the professionals. Firstly, the color can tend to turn out differently than what is shown on the box. Secondly, it can damage your hair. Thirdly, it’s hard to fix at the hair salon. And yes, your stylist can tell if you’ve used boxed dye, even if you fib about it. Surprised? Make sure to also heed these 5 Mistakes Hair Stylists Wish You Knew To Avoid Before Your Appointment.

Skipping Trims To “Make Hair Grow Faster”

It’s as if this myth was told by Rapunzel herself, with how seriously some people took it for many years. We admit that in our youth we’d believe anything that promised long, luscious, Farrah Fawcett locks. However, skipping regular haircuts does not foster faster growth. In fact, it might make your hair grow slower, since split ends are left unattended to move further up your strands, which inhibits hair health and growth. If you’re still lusting for long hair, check out these 15 Ways To Make Your Hair Grow Faster, According to Hair Experts.

Going Heavy On The Hair Spray

Considering how nostalgic the smell of Aqua Net and Elnett is for many folks due to years of watching our mother figures spritz it on liberally after setting their curls, this mistake is hard to hear. In truth, using too much hair spray does not mean your style is guaranteed to stay on a hot, sweaty summer day in the South. Also, it can be harmful to your hair with daily use, as well as contribute to product buildup that will leave your hair flatter and duller than a butter knife.

Not Using Heat Protectant

With all of the hot rollers, crimped curls, and other decades-old hair trends that our mothers and grandmothers have lived through, we shiver to think that there was a time when heat protectant wasn’t widely used, or even known about. While it’s not something we might have seen on their vanity, it surely belongs on our vanities.

Running Away From The Gray

There’s long been a misconception that gray hair must be treated like the worst case scenario, while it’s actually just about how you ease into it and maintain it. Going gray can be done gracefully, with the help of these handy gray hair tips. Imagine the time and money saved once the outdated outlook on gray hair is reconsidered. Why not show your wisdom?

Anything To Do With A Perm

Need we say more? Southern women love their hair volume, but there's a good reason that this chemically-curled technique has gone out of style, even if it was your mom's signature look for a time. Steer clear!

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Read the original article on Southern Living.