6 Must-Try Organization Hacks You Never Thought Of

6 Must-Try Organization Hacks You Never Thought Of

Tangled phone chargers, chaotic entryway dumping grounds, and messy makeup drawers are all common organizational struggles. But you don't always have to invest in an expensive organizing system to solve these storage headaches. Sometimes the perfect organizer for the job was originally designed for something else entirely, and a little creative thinking can make it work in a whole new way. Look to other areas of the house for objects you can repurpose as storage solutions in your bathroom, kitchen, entryway, and bedroom. With these clever organization hacks, you'll never have to hunt down your keys or favorite lipstick again.

The Wilde Project

1. Organize Towels in a Mesh File

Turn a small metal mesh file organizer into a handy spot for rolled washcloths and hand towels. Rolling towels instead of folding them is an easy way to fit more in a small space. If multiple people are using the same bathroom, you could even color-code the towels by family member.

The Wilde Project

2. Use a Sock Organizer for Cups

Sock organizers are useful for socks, of course, but the small slots also work well in the kitchen. Deep kitchen drawers tend to get cluttered quickly, so use a sock organizer to give each cup its own spot. This simple trick will make both getting cups out and putting them away easier, as well as prevent the cups from clinking against each other.

The Wilde Project

3. Store Entryway Items in Buckets

Entryways are notorious for becoming black holes for the items we bring home each day. Hang labeled mini buckets on hooks for each family member to stash essentials like keys and sunglasses. While you're adding organization to your entry, don't forget pets. Give the dog a bucket for leashes and doggie bags so you can grab them for walks. This DIY entryway idea is the perfect solution if space around your front door is limited or you live in an apartment.

The Wilde Project

4. Sort Craft Supplies with Plastic Bags

Organize craft materials, office supplies, or small toys with an easy-to-see storage solution. Sort items into zippered plastic bags and clip them on pants hangers. This affordable storage idea helps clear those items off countertops and allows you to easily grab what you need.

The Wilde Project

5. Attach Magnets on Makeup

Use strong glue or a hot-glue gun to attach magnets to the backs of makeup containers, then hang them all on a magnetic memo board. It's an all-in-one makeup display and storage solution for your vanity. If you don't have a magnetic board, line a thrifted tray with patterned paper for an easy upcycling project.

The Wilde Project

6. Corral Cords with Binder Clips

Untangling bunched up charger cords doesn't need to be part of your daily routine. Say no more to tangles with the help of a humble office item: the binder clip. Clip it onto the side of a decorative tray then thread the cord through it to keep your charger where you need it when you need it. If your binder clips are plain, dress them up with a strip of washi tape.