This 6-Minute Follow-Along Abs Workout Targets The Deep Core

It’s no secret that the core is a super important muscle group. It’s made up of superficial muscles—like the ones that make up the six-pack—but there’s also a part of the core often referred to as the “deep core” that you may think about a little less.

Your deep core muscles (we'll get into them ahead) are responsible for stabilization. They support your spine, internal organs, and even help with sexual function. Basically, your deep core might not be as flashy as other core muscles, but it’s just as important, especially for supporting you through all kinds of functional movement both at the gym and in everyday life.

Meet the expert: Kehinde Anjorin, CFSC, NCSF, is a functional strength coach and the founder of PowerInMovement.

Luckily, it doesn't take much to work your deep core well. In just six minutes, Kehinde Anjorin, CFSC, a functional strength coach, leads you through an intense workout that targets these muscles fast, so you can make sure you're giving enough love to this stabilizing muscle group.

Follow along with Anjorin in the video here:

What is the deep core?

You can think of your core as being made up of two groups of muscles: the “mover” and the “stabilizer” muscles. The mover muscles are the ones you can see—like your rectus abdominus (a.k.a., your so-called six-pack), obliques, erector spinae, and hip muscles. Meanwhile, your deep core encompasses your stabilizer muscles. They include:

  • Diaphragm, which allows you to inhale and exhale

  • Pelvic floor, the muscle group that supports your internal organs and sexual function

  • Transverse abdominis, which is responsible for core stability and acts as a “muscular corset” to support and protect the spine

  • Multifidus, which is responsible for spinal stability

While you might not see the muscles of your deep core, you definitely feel the benefits of working them. They enhance your overall functional movement, helping you run, jump, and lift heavy weights. Plus, working your pelvic floor specifically has the benefit of supporting bowel and bladder continence, boosting sexual pleasure, and even helping you safely give birth—so, yeah, it’s pretty important.

Luckily, there are many moves you probably already do to work your deep core, including planks, squats, or glute bridges. Basically, any type of anti-rotation exercise is likely helping you target this muscle group, which you’ll ideally want to do three times a week. If planks are growing stale though, we’ve got a short-but-intense deep core circuit with new moves that will have you feeling the burn.

What To Expect In This Deep Core Workout

This super-efficient six-minute workout takes you through a circuit of four deep core exercises, twice through. All you need is one dumbbell, a yoga mat, and your body weight.

First up, you’ll be in a tabletop position doing alternating leg extensions. Next, you’ll get into a bear plank for alternating shoulder taps. Then, staying in a bear plank position, you’ll switch up to alternating kicks. Finally, you’ll move into a hollow hold.

Each exercise is done for 30 seconds, with 15 seconds of rest in between. A super strong core is ahead!

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