6 Little Habits That Prevent Split Ends

Stop split ends before they start.

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Split ends can be frustrating. You come back from the salon and your hair looks perfect. A few weeks later, there they are again. But don’t fret—having sleek ends isn’t as challenging as you might imagine. It’s just a matter of knowing what to do (and what not to do). Here are six habits that help prevent split ends, according to the pros.

Related: Ask a Beauty Editor: How to Get Rid of Split Ends

Use the Right Hot Tools

Hot tools tear up your hair, leading to split ends. So, if you’re going to use hot tools, use the right ones. Nozomi, master hair stylist and extensions specialist at Warren Tricomi, suggests using Bioprogramming Hot Tools. “Bioprogramming devices are the only hair styling tools that make your hair healthier as you use them. They instantly give the hair moisture, shine, and an overall healthier look. Let the technology heal your hair without any additional products!”

Consider Salon Services

Lazaro Lambertucci, master hair stylist and colorist at Warren Tricomi, recommends considering salon treatments such as keratin, glosses, and toners to prevent split ends. “Split ends result from the loss of natural keratin in the hair, which is usually caused by harsh chemicals or excessive heat and touching the hair, thus letting the inner fiber of the hair pass through these fissures and forming split ends.”

If your split ends really bother you, it may be worth the money to get a salon treatment a few times a year.

Related: How to Prevent—and Reverse—Summer Hair Damage

Treat Your Hair at Home

If salon treatments aren’t in your budget (and even if they are), using home treatments can also be very helpful. “I recommend K18 Molecular Repair Hair Oil, which is weightless and amazing for all hair types, K18 Leave-In Molecular Repair Hair Mask, which helps greatly improve hair damage very quickly, and Oribe Split End Seal, which not only reduces split ends but also provides heat protection. All of these products help immensely when it comes to preventing and managing split ends,” Lambertucci says.

Sharon Dorram, celebrity colorist and owner of Sharon Dorram Color at Sally Hershberger, is also a fan of the K18 line. “All you need is a small amount [of the mask] the size of a pea between your fingertips. Run K18 on damp hair first before blow drying and using hot elements.”

Related: 6 Hair Masks to Revive Dry, Damaged Hair

Prevent Damage From Sun and Wind

“If you are exposed to the elements like wind like as on a boat, driving a convertible, or simply being at the beach, always slick your hair down first or pull hair back with a coated hair tie (silk or cloth ties are the best),” advises Dorram. She also suggests wearing a hat whenever possible under these conditions.

Communicate With Your Stylist

If you’re concerned about split ends and you color your hair, communicating with your stylist is key. “When coloring the hair lighter, always make sure not to overlap on the already existing lightened hair,” explains Dorram. “If you are seeing a professional, make sure to point that out so hair doesn’t get over-processed and create more split ends.”

Trim Your Hair Frequently

Dorram tells me the best remedy for split ends is to have routine trims every six to eight weeks. “This ensures the hair will stay healthy and fresh and ultimately grow.”

So don’t skip out. Schedule appointments in advance and stick with your plan.

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