6 Genius Cleaning Solutions With Everyday Items

Lint Roller As Glitter Grabber
Lint Roller As Glitter Grabber

James Wojcik Art project gone awry? Use a sticky roller to clean up stray sparkle from surfaces and clothes.

Lint Roller as Glitter Grabber

Art project gone awry? Use a sticky roller to clean up stray sparkle from surfaces and clothes.

Lint Roller As Glitter Grabber
Lint Roller As Glitter Grabber

Mayonnaise as Sticker Remover

Eliminate the pesky residue labels leave behind on dishes and jars with a healthy dollop of mayo and a cloth. Rub until it's all gone.

Mayonnaise as Sticker Remover
Mayonnaise as Sticker Remover

Dryer Sheet as Shower-Door Cleaner

For brilliant results minus the elbow grease, rub a dampened dryer sheet over a wet shower door to banish soap-scum buildup.

Dryer Sheet As Shower-Door Cleaner
Dryer Sheet As Shower-Door Cleaner

Aluminum Foil as Pan Scrubber

Add a drop of dish soap, then tackle the stubborn bits on a glass pan or an oven rack with a scrunched-up ball of foil.

Aluminum Foil as Pan Scrubber
Aluminum Foil as Pan Scrubber

Coffee Filter as Screen Wiper

To clear dust and static from sensitive touch screens and flat screens, swipe them with a lint-free filter.

Coffee Filter as Screen Wiper
Coffee Filter as Screen Wiper

Dustpan as Toy Herder

Picking up Lego blocks, plastic soldiers, and letter magnets off the floor every single day won’t feel nearly as soul crushing if you can do it in one fell swoop.

Dustpan as Toy Herder
Dustpan as Toy Herder