6 Full Moon Journal Prompts to Help You Find Yourself

This article originally appeared on Yoga Journal

There is something magnetic about the Moon when she is full. As if she is whispering to us, as if we somehow hold an innate connection with her that is beyond our rational understanding.

We lead busy lives. Fast-paced lives, juggling countless things at once, adding to our mental to-do list each day and hour, scrolling constantly, taking in more information than our ancestors could have imagined at a speed that is breathtaking. And in all of this, it can be easy to find ourselves less in tune with our internal worlds.

Nature reminds us of the magic that can be found in a slower pace. In a distraction-free, fully present moment. In a night sky. She reminds us to take a breath, to bring spaciousness once again into our minds, to befriend silence, and to notice our surroundings, our thoughts, our knowings. The awe we experience at the Moon in her fullness can stop us in our tracks. She compels us to come home to ourselves.

The meaning of the full Moon in astrology

In astrology, the Sun relates to our outward expression, whereas the Moon is our internal expression. Our inner dialogue, emotions, and sensitivities. The sides of us that are less shown to the world and kept close to our hearts. The mysteries of Self.

The Moon moves through eight phases in her 27-and-a-half-day cycle. If we are present enough, we can watch as these phases play out in our night skies. We can observe as she sparks from pure emptiness as a new Moon and builds herself into an illuminating full Moon, assuming diverse and divine crescent shapes in between. We witness, with each cycle, that as she reaches her state of absolute fullness, she begins to empty herself once again.

For the Moon, there is no fear of being full, vulnerable, and visible. There is no fear of emptying. There is no hesitation to begin again. There is no grasping onto a past version of Self or a preoccupation with the future. There is only presence. Given the intuitive flow to her movement, she knows it is not her path to be anything or anywhere but her current phase.

The full Moon reminds us to witness

If we were to speak to the inner connection that so many of us feel as we look up to the Moon, the sense of oneness we have with her, the Moon can be seen as a mirror. One that reflects our inner world, that reflects the calling of our intuition and the ebb and flow of our emotions.

When she is full, the Moon meets all of herself. All of her is illuminated and on display. There is no part of herself that she can hide from, and no part of herself that she can hide from us.

The invitation of the full Moon is for us, too, to meet all of ourselves. The light and the dark. The parts of Self that we are open about and proud of, and the parts that we are still learning to become friends with. The colors we wear brightly and the fears we hide in the dark.

The Moon speaks to our intuition. Something that is not outside of us, but rather like an internal compass guiding our every direction from within. Our hearts that speak to us. Our instincts that caution us. Our knowings that compel us.

We use the full Moon to bring to light the corners of ourselves that we have been hiding. She knows that what we keep in the shadows are our most profound catalysts for healing, truth, and deepest alignment of who we are. The full Moon reminds us that it is only through awareness that we can bring acceptance. Awareness of self. Awareness of all of self. The light and the dark. The celebrated and the hidden. It is only through acceptance that we can allow for the shift that is waiting to take place within us.
Perhaps the psychologist Carl Rogers was speaking to this when he mused, "The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I change."

6 journaling prompts to explore under a full Moon

Allow yourself to explore the depths of who you are with the full Moon illuminating your way. You intuitively know the answers.

  • Are there parts of yourself that you hide from the outside world? What are these?

  • Why do you keep them hidden?

  • What fears do you hide in the dark?

  • What would it feel like to befriend these fears and hidden aspects of yourself?

  • If you could view them as a young child, how could you nurture them? What would you say to them?

  • What are some ways in which I can begin to accept all of me?

About our contributor

Jordane Maree is the founder of Girl and Her Moon, a platform and community exploring Soul through the lens of astrology, tarot, and energy healing. She is a writer, intuitive astrologer, energy and soul guide, and many other labels that could never fully grasp the magic, passion, and desire she has to serve.

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