These 6 Essential Oils Repel Mosquitoes and Soothe Bug Bites

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Reviewed by Hope Gillerman

There's nothing quite like being on vacation and relaxing while the sun begins to set, only to be interrupted by a swarm of blood-thirsty mosquitoes. We can all agree that itchy bug bites are the worst, but thankfully, there are a handful of essential oils that work to both prevent mosquito from biting you and soothe any inflammation and itchiness if they do.

The secret with essential oils is knowing which ones to use and how to use them without causing skin irritation. (Please, always use a carrier oil.) While some have aromatherapy benefits to calm the mind, energize, and boost concentrations, others have topical benefits, such as treating acne and soothing mosquito bites.

Here, we tapped three experts including Hope Gillerman, an aromatic healer and essential oil formulator, Dr. Stacy Chimento, a board-certified dermatologist, and Adora Winquist, an expert in aromatherapy, to ask them to share which essential oils are the best for all things pertaining to bug bites. Keep reading to learn how they work, which ones to use, how to DIY an effective repellent, and even when you should see a doctor for severe bites.

Meet the Experts

Do Essential Oils Work to Soothe or Prevent Bug Bites?

First things first, are essentials oils actually effective for those pesky mosquito bites? The experts say yes. According to Chimento, when used properly, they can be effective for reducing symptoms like itchiness and inflammation. "When someone itches their bug bites, they increase their likelihood of developing an infection because the open wound allows bacteria to enter the body," explains Chimento. Therefore, treating irritation is key in helping you heal quickly and safely. Gillerman adds that oils are "a natural way to help relieve the discomfort and promote faster healing," by relieving annoying symptoms that can cause you to pick at bug bites.

The Best Essential Oils for Bug Bites:

Essential oils have a variety of benefits, but when treating itchy and irritating bug bites, there are a few symptoms to target. First, relieving itching, pain, and inflammation is key. "Since itch from bug bites are histamine-induced, we can include an essential oil with anti-histamine properties," says Gillerman. Anti-bacterial and wound healing oils are also helpful to the healing process. Finally, there are a few oils that actually repel bugs in the first place, and can be used topically on your skin and clothes to avoid getting bitten.

1. Basil Oil

"Basil helps reduce inflammation and irritation and prevents bug bites from becoming infected," says Chimento. This oil also has natural antimicrobial properties, which can help treat and ward off infection. Try dōTERRA's Basil Oil ($44).

2. Chamomile Oil

Chamomile helps to soothe bug bites due to its antimicrobial and healing applications. "Chamomile is known to heal bug bites faster than hydrocortisone cream, the typical method of relieving bug bite symptoms," says Chimento. Plus, this is one of a few key natural anti-inflammatory oils that, when used in low percentage, "can help to reduce the swelling and redness," according to Gillerman.

3. Tea Tree Oil

The medicinal applications of this essential oil work against infection "by preventing the growth of bacteria," says Chimento. For this reason, it's also a popular essential oil used to treat acne. Apart from being anti-bacterial, the dermatologist also notes that tea tree oil acts as an antihistamine, which relieves bug bite symptoms such as swelling and itching. We like Saje's 100% Pure Tea Tree Oil ($26).

4. Peppermint and Menthol Oils

"These essential oils create a cooling sensation, which can help reduce stinging, burning, and itching caused by bug bites," says Chimento. It's also one of Gillerman's favorite natural repellants—check out Vitruvi's Peppermint Essential Oil ($12) to see why both experts are a fan. She recommends that "adults use no more than 1/8 tsp in a 2 oz bottle and do not use around infants or toddlers until at least two years old."

5. Camphor Oil

Camphor oil helps mask the itching and pain of bug bites "with a warming sensation," says Chimento. However, she also notes that if your bug bite burns, avoid this oil because it can worsen the burning sensation.

6. Lemon Eucalyptus

Lemon eucalyptus is one of the best mosquito repellents and a natural alternative to Deet, says Gillerman. It's also one of Winquist's go-to essential oils for prevention. She recommends "geranium (Geranium, Pelargonium graveolens) and lemon eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora)" as natural topical deterrents for bug bites and mosquitos.

"There are so many essential oils that repel bugs that it is almost more important to note the ones that attract them, like sweet-smelling oils and flower oils," Gillmeran adds.

However, these three are the top oils for repelling mosquitoes that are recommended as a natural alternative to Deet:

  • Catnip

  • Lemon Eucalyptus (eucalyptus citriodora)

  • Clove, but keep it at a very low percentage in a diluted blend around 1-2 drops per 2 oz bottle.

How to Use Essential Oils for Bug Bites:

When using oils to treat bug bites, Chimento says you have to dilute them with a "carrier oil" before applying it as a topical. The following remedies should be used no more than three times a day. Furthermore, Gillerman advises "buying ready-made essential oil-based blends first, to find out what you like and don’t like before making your own."

"A DIY blend probably won’t save you money, but if you don’t like any of the ready-mades, you have no choice. You need something you are comfortable using repeatedly. Your local health food store or Whole Foods or natural baby care supplier will have lots of options," she adds.

Applying essential oils through a roller bottle:

  • Put 2 teaspoons of fractionated coconut oil into the roller bottle.

  • Add 15-20 drops of essential oils (for example, 10 drops of peppermint oil and 10 drops of lavender oil).

  • Secure the lid and shake.

  • Apply as needed.

Creating an essential oil balm:

  • Using a double boiler, boil the water in the bottom part.

  • Add 3 tablespoons of beeswax to the top compartment of the boiler.

  • Stir the wax constantly and ensure that the wax does not burn.

  • When you see that the wax is transparent and completely melted, add 2 tablespoons of coconut oil.

  • Add 3 teaspoons of a carrier oil (ex: almond oil) and stir.

  • Add 8-10 drops of your choice of essential oils and thoroughly mix.

  • Fill containers with this mixture, but leave some room at the top, and allow the balm to cool and solidify.

According to Gillerman, if you or your child get bitten, following the following steps:

  • Immediately apply ice or cold pack directly on the bite for immediate relief.

  • Apply the gel over the bite and inflamed skin around it. Cover loosely with a bandage to avoid rubbing it off or scratching, which can lead to infection.

  • Repeat this sequence as needed but no more than 4 times of the blend in a day. Children have a lower tolerance so you will use fewer applications.

  • To prevent infection, wash the bite with soap and water before each application. And draw a circle around the area of redness to track if it is getting bigger. 

When to See a Doctor:

In some cases, you want to look out for a serious allergic reaction, which would require a doctor's visit. "If you have signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction—like difficulty breathing, swallowing, swelling of lips or tongue—go immediately to the emergency room," says Gillerman. Although rare, anaphylaxis can be caused by a mosquito bite, so it's important to report any concerning symptoms to a doctor.

You should also keep an eye on any infections that might arise from itching, redness, and irritation. "An abscess or sore around the bite, swollen lymph nodes, and a long red line extending out from the bite are other signs you should see a doctor for a bug bite," says Chimento.

The Final Takeaway:

Essential oils can help manage and prevent bug bites by harnessing their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Between treating irritation, soothing itchiness, and repelling mosquitos in the first place, there are plenty of options if you're looking for a natural herbal remedy to this issue. However, it's important to always consult a doctor if your symptoms worsen or infection occurs. What's more, with all the over-the-counter formulas available, it's possible to avoid DIY-ing your blend.

Up Next: The 13 Best Natural Bug Sprays, Approved by Experts

Read the original article on Byrdie.