6 Entertaining Tips We’ve Learned From Celebs

These tricks will come in handy for any party.

There’s a real art when it comes to entertaining. People who think that fantastic parties happen by magic are dead wrong. They have no idea the amount of time, effort, and plain old hard work that goes into throwing the perfect party. If you’re stumped for ideas or looking for a little inspiration to amp up your next shindig, look no further. We’ve rounded up the best entertaining tips out there, courtesy of some of our favorite celebrities. Your guests will go gaga over your hosting prowess—and you’ll know you’ve thrown an unforgettable event.

Simple Elegance Never Goes Out of Style

You’d expect a fashionista like the glamorous Sarah Jessica Parker to plan everything to the nines when it comes to hosting an event. And while she definitely appreciates the finer things in life, the Sex and the City star knows when to get back to basics. Her simple but delicious recipe for peas is deceptively easy, and will leave your guests begging for seconds.

Involve Your Guests

Don’t leave your guests sitting out in the living room while you work in the kitchen. Instead let them have a hand in the proceedings. There’s something wonderfully fun and cozy about cooking with friends and family—just ask Ina Garten. Even better, everyone can sit down to enjoy a meal they helped prepare. It’s a fun and satisfying experience for everyone involved.

Surround Yourself With Loved Ones

Who you invite to your events is just as important (if not more so) than the d3cor or dining options. Make sure to invite people who bring out the best in you, and who you’re genuinely happy to spend time with. Busy Phillips always makes sure to invite longtime BFF Michelle Williams to all her events. The right guests can make a drab party fab, and a great party unforgettable.

Sweeten Things Up

Your guests will love a sweet surprise to finish off a killer party. Round out the evening with homemade cookies, like the ones Anna Kendrick whipped up for the holidays. You can even give your guests goodie bags of the treats to take home for later snacking. Not big on baking? You can always order some store-bought cookies or cakes (we promise we won’t tell).

Get Crafty

Let your loved ones know you put special effort into this event with a few handmade touches along the way. These can be anything from homemade decorations to handcrafted place cards at the table. Get creative: Lauren Conrad opts for personalized holiday cards and ornaments, but go with whatever works for you.

Be Unique

Take it from Nicole Richie: fitting in with the crowd is boring. Your decorations when entertaining should be a reflection of you. Create your own signature style, and embrace it! Combine original touches with classic elegance. The results will be fun, authentic, and make for a truly memorable experience for you and your guests alike.