6 Effective Ways to Fuel Your Walk, According to Nutritionists

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Photo credit: Westend61 - Getty Images

Walking is a powerful way to take care of your body physically, but you also need to nourish it by eating healthy foods. Knowing what to eat, how much, and when, can be especially confusing when it comes to low-impact workouts. Everyone seems to have a different opinion.

Not sure where to start? Use these tips from Marisa Moore, R.D.N. and nutritionist for Prevention’s Virtual Walk, and Amy Marteney, Columbia University's Director of Sports Nutrition.

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✔️ Include protein, complex carbs, and healthy fat.

“If you’re tired, it could be that you don’t have enough carbs in your system,” says Moore. "After your walk, it’s important to get carbs and protein to support muscle synthesis." An apple with nut butter makes a great snack, while salmon, broccoli, and brown rice hits the right notes for a meal.

✔️ Time your meals right.

Fueling up for exercise is pretty intuitive, but when to eat is a bit more ambiguous. “Timing varies based on individual tolerance, but a balanced meal should be around 2-3 hours before an intense walk/power walk and can be closer to 1-2 hours prior if the walk is less intense/shorter,” says Marteney. It’s important to give your body time to digest so you don't upset your stomach during your walk.

✔️ Plan ahead.

Adding walks to your busy schedule can make it even harder to find time for a home-cooked meal. That's where a bit of meal prepping comes in. Make larger dinners so you’ll have leftovers, or fill jars with yogurt, fruits, and nuts to grab in the morning. Moore also suggests buying partially prepared ingredients (like precut broccoli or canned veggies) to save time.

✔️ Consider the distance and bring a snack.

You don’t necessarily need to fuel up as you go: Think about duration as the determining factor. One helpful parameter, from Marteney: “Plan for snacks if your walk/power walk is intense and longer than 60-90 minutes. Easily digested foods such as grapes, dried fruits, and energy bars are portable and work well.” If the walk is shorter (less than 1 hour) and less intense, sipping on water should suffice as long as you're fueled adequately beforehand.

✔️ Reframe your thinking.

Remember that you’re not “earning” food when you exercise. For instance, a 30-minute walk shouldn't equal an ice cream cone in your mind. “You’re not running to burn off any specific type of food,” Moore says. Instead of viewing food as a reward, try finding motivation in doing good things for your body.

✔️ Drink water.

Hydration is vital, especially if you've recently upped your exercise. "You can always add lime or mint to your water to keep it interesting," Moore says. If your walk is more intense, and longer than an hour, find a sports drink with electrolytes to give you an extra hydration kick. The electrolytes in sports drinks are intended to allow for quick hydration and absorption but beware of drinks that are mostly sugar.

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