6 Scandinavian-Style Home Decor Tips to Try if You Love Hygge

Like with hygge and health care, interior design is just done better in Scandinavia. But an all-white palette and bleached wood accents? That reads a bit Extreme Makeover: Denmark Edition. Fear not, decor lover—there are plenty of subtler Scandinavian-style home decor tips to bring into your home.

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1. Bare Windows

With minimal daylight throughout much of the year, Scandinavians do everything in their power to maximize it. (This translates to sheer, filmy curtain panels or entirely naked windows.)

2. Whimsical Touches

While otherwise sparse from a decorative perspective, Scandinavian design often looks to unique, quirky presentations of common objects (think floating plants and quirky lighting fixtures).

3. Styled Linens

You won’t find hospital corners and ironed pillow shams in Scandinavia. The resounding aesthetic when it comes to bedding is mussed, breezy and organic (and often strewn with books.)

4. Mixed Geometry

Think a rounded, bleached wood dining table mixed with angular, tailored chairs.

5. Greenery As Art

Scandi-friendly art is, by its nature, pretty minimal. Instead folks look to statement greenery (often placed against a pale, blank wall so that it really sings).

6. Hyper-Editing

Scandinavian interiors are nothing if not an exercise in extreme restraint. Halve your decor items on display. Then halve them again. (It’s the simplest shortcut to chic—honest.)

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