6 'Deltacron' Symptoms That Are Being Commonly Associated With This Rare Variant

  • COVID-19 researchers have confirmed a new recombinant variant known as "Deltacron" after discovering the hybrid virus in France.

  • Leading experts say this particular version of earlier established SARS-CoV-2 strains isn't poised to lead to unknown side effects, but may cause cold-like symptoms commonly seen in Delta infections and fatigue inspired by Omicron spread.

  • The gene structure of the Deltacron strain uses elements seen in Omicron and Delta variants, which has vaccine experts thinking that they won't pose as much of a threat compared to future variants that arise with a "novel" structure.

  • Learn more on these topics below: What is known about the Deltacron variant? Is Deltacron a variant of concern? Plus, more information on common Delta and Omicron symptoms that could translate into likely Deltacron symptoms.

With the recent winter wave of Omicron-fueled cases cascading here in the United States, COVID-19 experts are now focused on rapidly increasing infection rates across multiple nations in Europe — especially as evidence suggests a new variant of SARS-CoV-2, that combines aspects of previous Omicron and Delta strains, may be poised to impact global communities once more.

"Deltacron," a moniker currently being used to describe this new variant of the virus that shares characteristics of the two earlier viral strains, has been officially recognized by officers at the World Health Organization (WHO) after earlier research explored the strain's unique makeup. Despite acknowledging its existence, WHO officials say this recombinant virus — a term that indicates its mixed hybrid origin of the two preceding variants — isn't concerning enough just yet for a more official name.

"Deltacron is an unofficial name of the COVID-19 virus with a hybrid mix of Delta and Omicron variants, known as a recombinant, with spikes that look more like the Omicron variant," explains John Mourani, M.D., medical director of infectious disease at Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center. "The hybrid variant was discovered in January 2022 and so far, there have been only a few cases worldwide, without reports of increased severity or transmission of the disease so far."

The hybrid variant was seemingly discovered in France, Dr. Mourani adds, and traced into other European nations, weeks prior to the current upswing of COVID-19 infection occurring across the continent. Data provided by Johns Hopkins University indicates that the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland all experienced uncontrolled outbreaks earlier this month, with hospitalizations also increasing. None of this spread has been traced back to Deltacron, however — although, future spread may not be out of the question, as multiple reports have confirmed that a few samples of this particular variant have already been discovered here in the United States.

Read on to learn more about the Deltacron variant and to understand why experts aren't worried about its existence just yet.

What is known about the "Deltacron" COVID-19 Variant?

Rumors of a recombinant SARS-CoV-2 virus have been percolating among the medical community as far back as January, but it was on March 8 that the first genome of Deltacron was actually shared internationally — so there's still much to be discovered about this particular variant of the virus, says Vivek Cherian, M.D., a Chicago-based internal medicine physician.

While the idea of a hybrid of two variants that were extremely contagious over the last year may sound terrifying, Dr. Cherian explains that Deltacron's gene for the virus' spike protein (which is the target of antibodies produced by vaccines) is "extremely similar to that of Omicron."

"Meaning, it's more than likely you will be well protected if you are vaccinated and boosted," he adds.

There haven't been any overtly confirmed COVID-19 cases caused by a Deltacron strain here in the U.S., and the spread globally has also been extremely limited; as little as 17 patients worldwide have had cases linked back to the new strain in early March, per Reuters. Experts speaking to the New York Times added that because the genetic structure of Deltacron isn't "novel" to the global population, there's a very strong likelihood that those who are up-to-date on vaccine doses — as well as those who have natural immunity from a recent infection — will effectively fight off a serious Deltacron infection.

Infectious disease experts aren't surprised by the development of the Deltacron strain, and do expect that COVID-19 spread may be influenced by even newer strains of the SARS virus in the future.

"It is natural for viruses to replicate, change and mutate, and recombinant viruses [like Deltacron] will continue to be seen in the future," says Dr. Mourani. "As long as there are no changes that allow the virus to evade the immune system, like increased virulence or transmissibility — or make the current therapeutics less effective — then future variants shouldn't be a concern."

Is Deltacron a variant of concern?

While WHO officials did acknowledge the existence of Deltacron, they aren't raising a formal alarm about its potential for COVID-19 spread just yet. That may change in the future, at which point they would likely rename the recombinant variant altogether.

"WHO labels the COVID-19 variants as 'variants of interest or concern' and assign a Greek letter only if there's a change in the epidemiologic features of increased risk of virulence or transmissibility, for example, which has not been seen with this virus yet," Dr. Mourani explains. "Recombinant viruses are also typically named under a different system than other variants."

Researchers have begun to investigate Deltacron more formally after confirming its existence, but the first pieces of evidence surrounding this particular strain suggest it will not drive major COVID-19 spread. Maria Van Kerkhove, M.D., a COVID-19 technical lead for the WHO, told the media earlier this month that current data suggests Deltacron infections don't lead to "any change in severity" when it comes to symptoms.

Common Delta and Omicron variant symptoms:

Until more research on Deltacron is finalized, experts say there isn't a clear idea of which of the 11 established COVID-19 symptoms are most likely to occur in any potentially impacted individuals. The full list of these symptoms is shared below:

  • Fever or chills

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Headache

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Sore throat

  • Congestion or runny nose

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Diarrhea

Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have indicated that each COVID-19 sickness can vary greatly between individuals; while all 11 symptoms are possible for those who are sick, everyone may experience a different variety or severity as they recover.

The same is true for anyone who would theoretically be impacted by Deltacron; experts say that this variant won't cause brand new symptoms. But as both Delta and Omicron cases were noted to commonly cause some symptoms over others, it's expected that anyone infected by Deltacron would likely be subject to the same group of symptoms as well.

Previously, we reported that Delta infections often led to three particular symptoms — high fevers, coughs, and headaches — and Omicron cases were more commonly marked by chronic fatigue and body pain. Earlier versions of the viral infection tended to produce symptoms related to one's upper respiratory system, including breathlessness, and the hallmark loss of taste and smell (otherwise known as anosmia).

All 11 potential COVID-19 symptoms are still very much a possibility for anyone. But using past data generated around Delta and Omicron symptoms, any of the following symptoms may be indicative that you're experiencing a SARS-CoV-2 infection potentially stemming from a recombinant Deltacron infection:

  1. Headaches

  2. High fever and subsequent sweating or chills

  3. Sore throat

  4. Persistent cough

  5. Unexplained fatigue or loss of energy

  6. Chronic, widespread body pains and aches

To be clear, almost all infectious disease experts — Dr. Cherian and Dr. Mourani included — say that the likelihood of being impacted by Deltacron strains as of March 2022 is next to none. The dominant strain here in the U.S. remains Omicron, and COVID-19 spread is largely occurring among those who have yet to be vaccinated

The bottom line:

Just as with previous virus variants before it, Deltacron is expected to present many of the same symptoms and side effects for those who face a COVID-19 illness. It is not expected that Deltacron strains will produce new, unheard-of symptoms — and experts are reaffirming that its recombinant gene structure means that vaccines and immune systems are well equipped to deal with any potential exposure in the future. The best way to prevent being impacted by Deltacron, as well as any other virus variant, is to get vaccinated and keep up to date on your COVID-19 boosters.

Care providers remain firm that it's less important for Americans to stress over which variant may be causing them to be sick, and more so focus on communicating with healthcare providers to treat symptoms quickly while also quarantining away from others.

While it may be helpful for you to isolate, the only way to confirm a COVID-19 diagnosis is to get tested ASAP. If you're experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, a COVID-19 test is the quickest way to determine if you are actually sick — and it may even allow you to confirm which virulent variant you're dealing with.

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