6 Custom Beauty Products That Will Put You Ahead of the Bespoke Trend

We don't expect clothing to be a one-size-fits-all solution, so it makes sense that we're seeing more customization when it comes to cosmetics, hair, and skincare products. We all have different styles and preferences, which means we should have goods tailored to our individual needs. So when we saw a 13% increase in "custom beauty" searches in the past year in an Etsy report, we started researching all the ways you can discover the most flattering makeup shades, effective hair-care products, and more.

Though many companies make custom products, we rounded up a handful of our favorites, including foundation, perfume, and lipstick, to help you get in on the trend. Better yet, most of these personalized picks cost about the same, or just slightly more, than what's already in your makeup bag and on your bathroom shelves. Here are six bespoke (aka specially made) beauty products we think you'll love.