6 Common Hair Styling Mistakes to Avoid

Don't do this for better hair.

<p>Honey and Milk/Getty Images</p>

Honey and Milk/Getty Images

Styling your hair can be a challenge. Whether it's straightening or just doing a fresh blowout at home, styling can lead to a lot of wear and tear on your locks. These mistakes can result in broken hair, split ends, and dryness. Fortunately, there are some easy fixes. Here are six hair styling mistakes to avoid, plus how to solve each one, according to top professionals.

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Forgetting Heat Protection

Artem Soshyn, master hair stylist and colorist at Warren Tricomi, tells me one of the biggest hairstyling mistakes is skipping out on a heat protection product. “One of the most crucial hairstyling mistakes is failing to use heat protection before using hot tools like flat irons, curling irons, or blow dryers.”

Heat styling tools generate high temperatures which can damage the hair, leading to dryness, breakage, and split ends. Fortunately, the solution is easy. “Heat protectants create a barrier between the hair and the heat, reducing the direct impact on the hair strands. Using heat protectant products such as Warren Tricomi’s Hot Tools Spray helps to minimize heat damage, preserve hair health, and maintain the integrity of the hair,” he explains.

Trying Styles Beyond Your Scope of Skill

Sure, those complex hairstyles look easy on TikTok, but off of social media, it’s often a different story. “Advanced hairstyling techniques require practice, precision, and understanding of the hair type and texture. Without adequate skill some techniques can result in damage to the hair, including breakage, tangling, and even hair loss,” says Soshyn.

He suggests starting by trying simpler hairstyles first to hone your technique. Then work your way up.

Blowing Up Your Blowout

There’s nothing quite like a salon blowout. But if you want it to last, Angelique Tourneur Scafaro, master hair stylist at Warren Tricomi, says it's best to avoid hair ties, pins, or even a hat to ensure the longevity of the look. “Using these can mark the hair in an undesirable way, which can be difficult to smooth out!”

Wearing Tight Hairstyles

Are you one of those people that wears their hair in a tight ponytail all of the time? According to Brandi Voorhees, stylist at Sharon Dorram Color at Sally Hershberger Salon, this can ultimately cause breakage or even hair loss, especially if you use a basic hair elastic. “Try to use less tension, or silk scrunchies when you’re working out or wearing your hair up.”

Related: The Correct Order to Apply Hair Products for the Best Results

Skipping Haircuts

If you’re trying to grow out your hair or you get busy, you might skip your regular haircut. But according to Voorhees, it’s a bad idea. “Depending on your length, texture, and overall hair health, your hair should be trimmed every four to eight weeks. Skipping out on your cuts will cause breakage and dryness, and will keep your hair from growing healthy and strong,” she says.

Schedule those treatments in advance and you'll be more likely to keep your appointment. After all, don't you owe it to yourself?

Blasting Heat on Your Hair

Did you do beachy waves and then decide to go straight? This can fry your hair. “Heat styling your hair often over time will cause a lot of damage to the cuticle. Heat penetrates the hair shaft, which will strip natural oils, leaving the hair dry and dull,” Vorhees explains.

Instead of using hot tools every day, try heatless styles and braids. Put your hair in a loose ponytail. If you’re home doing nothing, try a messy bun.

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