57 Costumes That've Already Won Halloween, And It Literally Hasn't Even Happened Yet

We asked the BuzzFeed Community to show us the best Halloween costumes they've ever worn. Here are the genius results.

1.Pre-/post-tornado Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz:

A woman dressed as Dorothy from "The Wizard of Oz," but half of her is in black and white and the other half is in color

2.A punny Kevin Bacon:

A woman dressed as a strip of bacon, holding bacon, wearing a name tag that says "Kevin"

3.A dunkin' donut:

A man dressed as a basketball player while wearing an inflatable tube donut

4.Fifty Shades of Grey, complete with the handcuffs:

A woman wearing a bunch of gray paint swabs

5.Mystique while she's halfway through transforming:

Half of someone's face covered in blue-changing makeup, mid-Mystique transformation

6.This perfect mimosa pairing:

A couple dressed as champagne and orange juice

7.A life-size game of Operation:

Someone dressed as the Operation game and holding tongs to remove a wishbone from their body

8.An unopened Barbie doll:

A bunch of people in pink Barbie boxes

9.A zombie LEGO man:

Someone dressed as an undead LEGO figurine

10.A taxidermy version of Bambi and Thumper:

Two people dressed as animal heads mounted on a wall

11.A headless Marie Antoinette:

Someone in a dress while holding their head

12.Sean Connery and Burt Reynolds as contestants on Saturday Night Live's "Celebrity Jeopardy!" sketch:

Contestants with fake "Jeopardy!" boards in front of them

13.The Hamburglar:

A woman dressed as the Hamburglar while holding McDonald's

14.Dorothy, Glinda, and the tornado from The Wizard of Oz:

A little girl dressed as Dorothy, a man with feathers taped over his body to look like a tornado, and a woman in a pink princess outfit

15.TLC's CrazySexyCool album:

A woman in red, dressed as the CrazySexyCool album cover

16.Taco ~Belle~:

A woman dressed as Belle from "Beauty and the Beast" and a man dressed as a taco

17.Mrs. Doubtfire and her hot flashes:

Someone dressed as an old Mrs Doubtfire while holding pot handles next to her scorched chest

18.This very literal The Devil Wears Prada costume:

A woman dressed as the devil while holding a Prada bag

19.French Kiss:

People with makeup like the bandmates of Kiss while holding baguettes

20.Ariel getting eaten by a shark:

A woman dressed as Ariel but with the bottom half of her body covered in blood and a cloth-made shark

21.Bugs and Babs Bunny in their Tune Squad jerseys:

A couple wearing Tune Squad jersey's while wearing bunny ears

22.This creative interpretation of "Gonzo" journalism:

A man dressed as Gonzo from "The Muppets" while holding a weekend bag

23.Yzma from The Emperor's New Groove:

A woman in purple with a boa and headpiece

24.Three iconic eras from Britney Spears' career:

Three people dressed as different eras of Britney's career, including the snake and her "Baby One More Time" music video

25.Dani at the end of Midsommar:

A woman covered in a massive flower dress

26.The gang from The Wild Thornberrys:

Friends dressed as Eliza and Nigel and the chimp from "The Wild Thornberrys"

27.A six-pack of your favorite beer:

Six friends dressed as giant bottles of green Heineken bottles

28.The Emerald City from The Wizard of Oz:

A woman in green with lights around her dress

29.A two-person Jägerbomb:

One man dressed as Jager and one woman dressed as a Redbull

30.Judge Trudy and a dancing lobster from The Amanda Show:

One person dressed as a judge and one person dressed as a lobster

31.Joy and Anger from Inside Out:

A couple dressed as emotions from the movie Inside Out

32.Regina George at her Spring Fling dance:

Someone carrying a Burn Book while wearing a back brace

33.Peter Pan and his shadow:

Person in green outfit and person behind them in all black

34.The Cheetah Girls:

A group of four friends in colorful cheetah-print pajamas

35.A cat and its scratching post:

A girl wearing a cat outfit and a man wearing rope

36.Lucy from I Love Lucy:

Someone dressed as Lucy, with a red wig and her 1950s outfit

37.Two contestants on The Price Is Right:

Man and woman with name tags on and hold price displays

38.Lisa Simpson as the state of Florida:

Someone dressed like a giant mattress with the word "Florida" written down the front and an orange taped to the side

39.A Sim:

Someone with a cardboard cutout in front of their body to look like it's blurred out

40.Ms. Frizzle and her Magic School Bus:

Woman dressed as a school bus and woman in a purple dress with a lizard on her shoulder

41.Edward Scissorhands...or Knifehands:

Someone dressed as Edward Scissorhands but with kitchen knives taped to their fingers

42.A poodle:

Someone covered in white fake fur with a dog face painted on themself

43.Some lawn gnomes:

People dressed as lawn gnomes with fake beards and long, pointy hats

44.The Wet Bandits from Home Alone:

One person with chicken feathers on their jacket and one person with a burn on their face

45.Harvey Dent as Two-Face:

Someone dressed as Harvey Dent with one half of their body covered in gory makeup and the other part normal

46.Bob Ross and one of his paintings:

A person with a beard and a person dressed as a painting

47.A bunch of M&M's:

Four people, each dressed as a differently colored MM

48.Fitz and Olivia Pope from Scandal:

One person in a suit and one person in a white jacket and hat

49.Dennis Nedry and a dilophosaurus from Jurassic Park:

One person in a yellow jacket covered in blood and one person dressed as a dinosaur

50.Everyone from Kim Possible:

A group of friends dressed as Wade, Kim, Ron, and Shego from "Kim Possible"

51.Kristen Wiig's Gilly character from Saturday Night Live:

A woman wearing a dress with red and pink flowers on it

52.Oblina and Krumm from Aaahh!!! Real Monsters:

Someone wearing black-and-white stripes while holding a paper cutout of a mouth, and another holding two fake eyeballs over their head

53.Mushu and the Matchmaker from Mulan:

Someone in a red-and-yellow dragon costume and another dressed as the Matchmaker, with heavy makeup

54.Blue and Magenta from Blue's Clues:

Two people wearing blue and pink with dog ears and spots on their body

55.Cousin Itt from The Addams Family:

Someone dressed as Cousin Itt, covered in long straw/hair

56.Contestants on Supermarket Sweep:

Two people wearing matching sweaters with name tags while pushing a shopping cart and carrying a giant ice cream inflatable

57.And Sexy Patrick from SpongeBob:

Someone dressed in a pink leotard while doing a split

Want to show off your own Halloween costume? Feel free to drop a pic in the comments below!