55 Photos Of Things Millennials Haven’t Thought About Since, Like, 2006, But Will Recognize On Sight

1. These poster displays you'd find in the back of the store, and the satisfying "cluck-cluck" sound they would make whenever you'd flip to the next one:

2. These weird squishy tubes that felt more than a bit creepy when you'd squeeze them:

3. These colorful balls that were always painted super-bright colors and had such a weird texture to them:

4. Fruit juice made from frozen concentrate that everyone just assumed was healthy because it was "juice":

5. The little manuals that came with video games and that offered very little help in how to actually do well while playing the game:

6. This exact alarm clock that everyone's parents had on their nightstand:

7. Those Muzzy commercials that played at least a dozen times during weekday cartoons:

8. The "lucky" rabbit's foot keychain you'd get at fairs and random souvenir shops while on vacation:

9. The oh-so-cool-for-like-a-week 3D posters that you could hang on your bedroom wall like artwork:

10. The Duracell PowerCheck Batteries that really tested the dexterity of your thumb and index finger:

11. These giant projection TVs that had the most blurry AF resolution:

12. And these tiny TVs with the built-in VCR that every kid wanted for their bedroom:

13. The annoyance of having to adjust the tracking on your VCR:

14. Yikes! pencils that made you feel a little cool whenever you pulled one out of your pencil box:

15. And the Spacemaker pencil box, which would always explode open (causing your Yikes! pencils to go flying everywhere) if you accidentally dropped it:

16. These mini-maze puzzles you'd get in every birthday party goody bag:

17. The old-school Chuck E. Cheese coins that smelled like trash and metal:

18. The turtle sandbox, which would turn into a cat toilet if you forgot to put the shell back on it:

19. Pierre Escargot sitting in his bathtub and saying,"hon-hon-hon":

20. These celestial sun holographic necklaces that def gave Y2K aesthetic:

21. All the extra labels that came with blank VHS tapes that no one would ever use:

22. The 75 folders you'd have to open up in Windows just so you could play Solitaire:

23. The red stick that came with Handi-Snacks that would slice your tongue if you weren't careful while licking it:

24. The giant stuffed animal display in the back of the Disney Store:

25. Butterfinger BB's candy, which was the perfect Butterfinger candy:

26. TI-108 calculators, which also required some kid to be in charge of distributing them to the class:

27. The pink Talkgirl recorder, which I guess they made for kids who didn't want to play with the Talkboy (?):

28. Having to set your TV to Channel 3 whenever you played video games or wanted to watch a VHS tape:

29. The scrambled adult channels, which would sometimes come into focus for a split second and you could also definitely hear:

30. These Welch's jelly jar glasses that every family seemed to own:

31. And these Kellogg's "The Best To You Each Morning" cereal bowls that every family seemed to own:

32. The wicker paper plate holders, which had an 80% chance of pricking you whenever you used one:

33. The ball that came inside the mouse that you just knew would bounce really high and far if you threw it:

34. LA Looks hair gel, which REALLY held your hair in place — and made a big white flakey mess if you started touching it:

35. The fishing game that sounded like it was grinding ice whenever you played with it:

36. The dramatic Battleship commercial:

37. Tiger handheld games, which really made you strain your eyes anytime you played with one:

38. The tan colored Dustbuster that had about 3 minutes of battery life:

39. KitKats when they came wrapped in foil:

40. Cherry Coke, when the cans came with this oh-so-early-'90s pop art-inspired design:

41. Target cafes, when the way they were decorated was 100% inspired by Memphis Design:

42. The Clear Eyes commercials that featured Ben Stein as the spokesperson:

43. Mentadent toothpaste, which was the bougiest and sloppiest toothpaste you could get:

44. These chocolates that you would sell for school fundraisers:

45. The McDonald's Halloween buckets that actually held very little candy:

46. Car stereos that had the removal faceplate (which everyone would usually just put under the seat):

47. Flintstone Push Up bars, which were the best after school or after dinner desert:

48. Viennetta ice cream cakes, which had commercials that made it seem like it was the fanciest dessert you could ever eat:

49.The Bailey School Kids series that always had the weirdest book titles:

50. And the Incredible Cross-Sections books that you would 90% of the time never read and just flip through the pages to look at the elaborate illustrations:

51. These PC speakers that were surprisingly loud:

52. The Cartoon Network commercials that featured various classic cartoon characters interacting with each other:

53. The feel of the Blockbuster Video membership cards, which felt like a slightly thicker school ID:

54. And Blockbuster microwave popcorn, which you and your family would always grab a pack of when renting movies:

55. Finally, this yearly flexibility test that was part of the Presidential Physical Fitness Test and was truly the most painful thing ever: