54 Awful Design Fails From This Year That Made Me Go "MY EYES!"

1.This bookmark was given to a kid at SCHOOL. Imagine it poking out of a kid's book and just seeing "drugs proud!"

"Drugs Proud to be Free"
u/otgoodatusernames7 / Via reddit.com

2.This is in a pediatric dentist's office.


3.I've always wanted to win diabetes!

"Win Diabetes"
u/BaronVonStretchmark / Via reddit.com

4.There are things that are A) aesthetically pleasing but not functional, B) functional but not aesthetically pleasing, and C) neither. Guess which this is.

an uncomfortable bench
u/DankAizawa / Via reddit.com

5.So motivating!

"Never do your best, quit!"

6.This, too!

"You are almost enough"
u/Zealousideal-One-362 / Via reddit.com

7.According to OP, this is a consistent error, and I really feel like the company should've noticed by now.

"rape juice"

8.What is this even supposed to say?

"Go Win Fight Black"

9.And this?

Every You Give Zoom More Idea"

10.This design just makes zero sense.

"This pot that only protects your finger tips"

11.Uh...closed when?


12.Which way is the gas valve???

Gas valves pointing to both sides of the car

13.Why would someone create this monstrosity, if not to torture us mortals?

a hollow handle on a jar

14.This word search has two columns with extra letters, and it's genuinely infuriating.

a word search puzzle

15.This garbage can could reallyyyyyy use some arrows.

the lid of a garbage can
u/twlentwo / Via reddit.com

16.The person who made this sign clearly did not understand the assignment.

u/TheRedditornator / Via reddit.com

17.And this person did not understand acronyms.


18.Yet another unrealistic standard for women!

a poster where the bottom half of women's bodies don't match to the top half

19.This political ad just hurts my eyes.

"Republicans take back the Senate 2024"
u/jill853 / Via reddit.com

20.This shopping mall is actually specifically engineered to make people angry.

A roof with holes where people sit on benches so they get wet when it rains
u/missinglinksman / Via reddit.com

21.Am I having a stroke, or is this impossible to read?

A sign that can't be read

22.I can't unsee this now.


23.This has got to be a safety hazard.

stairs that go to a separate stairwell in another direction
u/Opposite_Strategy_43 / Via reddit.com

24.Why would you make an outdoor sign that's impossible to read when it's sunny?

"This signage is impossible to read in the sun."

25.They could have made the "i" a guitar...

u/Obl1vi0us / Via reddit.com

26.This would be nearly impossible to clean.

a cheese knife

27.Great plug placement!

a plug that can't be used

28.This one — in a SHOWER — is even better!

an electrical outlet in the shower

29.This just makes me angry.

a design over the food, so you can't read the dishes
u/grifeweizen / Via reddit.com

30.And this is just stupid.

a water-filled bench

31.These bright blue trash cans DEFINITELY don't look exactly like mailboxes.

a trash can that looks like a mailbox
u/AfterDINNERMinge / Via reddit.com

32.This would stress me the heck out.

a fuel icon that looks like you're out of fuel
u/Xeumz / Via reddit.com

33.I feel like I need a degree in rocket science just to understand this.

elevator buttons out of order
u/daveymcbride / Via reddit.com

34.And this.

a menu
u/IHateProtoss / Via reddit.com

35.I don't even want to know why there's a hole between these stalls...

a hole in a bathroom stall
u/derpygamer2142 / Via reddit.com

36.Whoever made this shirt probably should've given it a second look.

Start a suicide conversation is preventable
u/BumsEverywhere / Via reddit.com


a shower head in the ceiling
u/Anirban_Sikder / Via reddit.com

38.And again, I say more emphatically, WHY?

a walkway that leads up to a wall
u/No-Car4760 / Via reddit.com

39.Are you supposed to jump from side to side to get up this escalator?

"Stand here"
u/EFATO / Via reddit.com

40.What monster created this eyesore?

a toilet/sink combo
u/Snoo_90160 / Via reddit.com

41.Why would you do this???

a TV mounted to a sewage pipe
u/ImUnemployedLMAO / Via reddit.com

42.Is it just me, or does it look like this guy is pointing a gun at his head?

a man saluting but it looks like he's pointing a gun at his own head
u/Sessa107 / Via reddit.com

43.I love to think of fresh poos when I'm cleaning.

"freshing poo"
u/hansolo625 / Via reddit.com

44."Every child garbage!"

"Every child garbage"
u/toastisfree / Via reddit.com

45.The name of this place is apparently "Bunch of Grapes," and I cannot for the life of me figure out why they would do it like this.

"Bunch of grapes" written badly
u/isaac-jones / Via reddit.com

46.This is super misleading advertising.

"81g carbs"
u/Papa_is_Here_ / Via reddit.com

47.Problem solved!

stalls with glass doors
u/Ysisbr / Via reddit.com

48.There are a million different fonts out there that aren't Comic Sans. And are those quotation marks really necessary?

"Making a Difference"
u/TheSpiritmender / Via reddit.com

49.These sideways balconies are just an awful idea all around.

balconies that face each other
u/Snoo_90160 / Via reddit.com

50.This is at a school for the blind.

stairs leading up to a brick wall
u/thegunner137 / Via reddit.com

51.This is also wildly accessible!

a disability ramp that leads to a step
u/chili_pepper97 / Via reddit.com

52.As is this!

a walkway leading to grass
u/SimonSaysGoGo / Via reddit.com

53.This just makes no sense. Why four minutes???

"Oven timer dial with 4 minute increments"

54.And finally, this is *definitely* what this is supposed to look like.

"The Voice of Germany"
u/Similar_Ad_3910 / Via reddit.com