I Just Discovered These Amazingly Futuristic Things From Other Countries That Feel Like They're From The Year 3000

1.The Netherlands has swings you can use to charge your phones at The Hague central.


2.This Helsinki Burger King literally has a SAUNA in it. Catch up, America.

A Burger King sauna

3.Apparently, in London, there's a bar where you can get a drink in a LEVITATING glass.

A levitating glass

4.Amsterdam has free "menstruation stations" for anyone who needs sanitary products.

Free tampons

5.There's a Starbucks in Oman that literally has a SHARK TANK behind the register.

A shark tank at Starbucks

6.Trains in Seoul show you how crowded each car is.

A train in Seoul

7.This doesn't necessarily apply to me, but this German restaurant has made peeing fun by including a mini soccer game in urinals.

A soccer game in a urinal

8.And even better, this urinal in London had an actual driving game where you could control the car with your pee direction.

A game at a urinal

9.Bars and event spaces in Germany — especially those participating in Oktoberfest — have a puke sink.

A puke sink

10.I'm sorry to say that I would hog these in-ground trampolines in Berlin parks for hours... Sorry, German children.

Kids on in-ground trampolines

11.There are piano stairs in this Seoul subway station that are wayyyy better than the big piano at FAO Schwarz, and I say that as a die-hard New Yorker.

Piano stairs

12.Also in a Seoul subway, you can get a custom transportation card with a photo of your choice on it.

A transportation card

13.There's a museum in London with slanted sinks that get shorter and shorter, for kids of all heights.

Slanted sinks in a bathroom

14.This Edinburgh hotel has bathroom mirrors that are built to have a section that will not fog up when you're taking a shower.

A fogless mirror

15.In Singapore, some supermarkets use digital price markers, so workers don't have to spend a ton of time replacing all the paper ones.

Digital price markers

16.Norway has a 24/7 grocery store with no attendants — you just use self-checkout.

A self-checkout grocery store

17.This movie theater with a GIANT SLIDE in Korea puts every other movie theater to shame.

A giant slide in a movie theater

18.The Berlin mall has this even more awesome slide.

A slide in the mall

19.This office building in London also has a slide.

A slide in an office building

20.Iceland has park benches with footrests.

Benches with footrests

21.Airplane boarding passes in Seoul have a map of the terminal with your gate shown on the back.

A map on the back of a boarding pass

22.Seoul buses have transparent pockets so you can watch something on your phone while keeping it secured and protected....and not even having to hold it.

Pockets for mobile devices

23.Belgium has a really cool bike path that descends through a lake so you can feel like Moses parting the Red Sea.

A running path in the water

24.There are complimentary dog sticks left out for dogs in London.

"The Canine Collection"

25.This trash can in Sweden has Wi-Fi so that people are more likely to go near it and then throw away trash.

A trash that has Wi-Fi

26.This beach in Zadar, Croatia has a wheelchair ramp into the sea, along with special wheelchairs meant for use and attendants to assist those who use wheelchairs.

Wheelchair accessible beach

27.There's a Burger King in Vienna that only sells vegan food.

A Vegan Burger King

28.There's a supermarket in Germany with a magnifying glass attached to all shopping carts to help you read receipts if the print is difficult for you to read.

magnifying glass on a shopping cart

29.In Switzerland, little robots deliver mail.

A male delivery robot

30.This grocery store in Switzerland gives away leftover greens that would otherwise be trash for free so people with small pets like guinea pigs and bunnies can make use of them.

Leftover greens for pets

31.This gas station in Switzeland allows you not only to listen to music as you pump your gas, but choose which type you'd like.

Buttons for music choices at the gas pump

32.Turkey has public cat food dispensers for street cats.

Cat food dispensers for stray cats

33.In Denmark, you can rent not only books at libraries, but also art.

Art for rent

34.This bidet in Thailand was quite...comprehensive.

A panel for a bidet

35.In the Berlin airport, there's a cord running across the whole floor in the bathroom in case you fall and need assistance.

A cord along the wall

36.In Germany, there's a beach with a mini library.

A mini library at the beach

37.New Zealand has REVERSIBLE public benches.

Reversible public benches

38.Switzerland has these racks just for recycling pizza boxes.

Racks for pizza boxes

39.In Edinburgh, buses have monitors showing sign language for important announcements.

A monitor showing an ASL interpreter

40.You can build your own pens in this Korean shop, and I need to go there immediately.

A station to build your own pens

41.You can get Wi-Fi codes from a vending machine in Germany.

Wi-Fi codes for sale

42.Germany also has a "walk-through" McDonald's for those without cars.


43.This is what some bus stops in Norway look like...step up your game, America.

A bus stop in Norway

44.If you fly Korea Air, you can use these stickers to indicate if you'd like to be woken up if you fall asleep.

Stickers to let flight staff know if you want to be left alone or not

45.This toilet stall in Japan has a tray for your personal items and reminders to make sure you don't forget them.

A tray for your items in the bathroom

46.Japan has air-conditioned jackets you can wear, often used for construction workers stuck working in the heat.

An air-conditioned jacket

47.In some Korean coffee shops, there are slots to put your used cups so they can easily be recycled and don't take up too much space in the trash.

A place to throw away cups

48.In India, Burger King has a spot for unused condiment pouches so you don't waste them.

A bin for unused condiments

49.In the Copenhagen airport, there's a self-serve Starbucks.

A self-serve Starbucks

50.There's a vending machine in Belgium where you can buy crates of beer.

A beer vending machine

51.There's a bike shop in Copenhagen that rents out bikes that look like locals' so you don't look like a tourist.

"No Logo Bikes"

52.You can get CHEESE out of a vending machine in Switzerland.

A cheese vending machine

53.In Taiwan, trees have QR codes on them so you can learn more about the tree.

A QR code on a tree

54.And finally, toilet paper rolls in Peru store little mini travel size rolls inside!

A small toilet paper roll in a bigger toilet paper roll