50 Ways to Say 'Get Well Soon' That Are Heartfelt, Kind, and Considerate

teddy bear with white and red flowers and card with a message that reads get well
50 Get Well Wishes to Help Them Get on the Mendcoramueller - Getty Images

Whether one is healing from a surgery or nursing a nasty cold, feeling bad is just no good. Homemade chicken soup always seems to help, but it's even better to receive get well messages from friends, family, and colleagues. There's nothing that can perk up a person quite like a positive note, whether or not it comes with a thoughtful little present, flowers or even a gift basket. But for the people writing these missives, challenges abound. After all, you want to cheer up your loved one with words that are heartfelt, kind, and considerate, avoiding common clichés and cloying, saccharine sentiments.

If that sounds like a tall order, no worries, because we've rounded up 50 simple get well messages that are good for everyone from kinfolk to co-workers. We've found thoughtful phrases packed full of healing vibes, and funny ones too, along with short and sweet words of support, inspirational quotes, and religious wishes for better health. Wondering what can you say instead of get well soon? Most of these convey the message without using those actual three words.

These are all perfect to write in a card or text message. However, if you'd like to include something straight from the Good Book, be sure to check out our 35 Encouraging Bible Verses About Healing for Comfort and Strength.

Thoughtful Get Well Messages

  • Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you, and I'm here if you need anything at all, including plenty of hugs!

  • It might be a long road to recovery, but I promise I'll beside you for every step of it.

  • Your strength, courage and spirit have never you failed you before, and they won't fail you now. You've got this!

  • Healing can be a slow process. Please take all the time you need to rest and recuperate. We'll be here, cheering you on!

  • When I pledged "in sickness and in health," I meant it. I love you no matter what.

  • You're the first one to step in and help others when they need it, but now is the time to let us take care of you.

  • Work just isn't the same without you. Looking forward to seeing your smiling face at the office as soon as you feel up to it.

  • Better days are on the way to you, I know it. In the meantime, please know that I'm sending healing thoughts and much love.

  • You are the heart and soul of our family. I hope you take strength from the many of us who cherish you.

  • Once you're up and around I want to take you out to lunch to celebrate. I miss you more than you know!

  • Consider this your open invitation to ask me for whatever you need—a meal, a load of laundry, someone to watch a funny movie with. I'm here.

Funny Get Well Messages

canine patient in hospital room with cold water bottle on his head
Sadeugra - Getty Images
  • I'm so sorry you had to use sick days for actual sickness.

  • Get well soon, unless your doctor is sexy and single. In that case, get well but not too soon.

  • Guess viruses like you as much as I do!

  • Don't think of it as a hospital stay. Think of it as a spa visit that includes meals, health exams and plenty of jello.

  • Since you've been out, we've all realized how much you actually do around here. Please heal up quick!

  • Get well soon or I'll break out the duct tape. It can fix anything, right?

  • If I were you, I'd milk this for as long as possible.

  • I know you wanted some time off, but this is a little extreme.

  • I hear you’re malfunctioning. Have you tried turning yourself off and on again?

  • Get better soon so I won’t have to feel guilty when I’m teasing you.

Short and Sweet Get Well Messages

get well message on card on bouquet of yellow roses
Tetra Images - Getty Images
  • You'll be back at 100% before you know it!

  • Praying for a fast recovery.

  • We'll get through this together.

  • Know that this too shall pass.

  • Stay strong!

  • Sending you all the love and light.

  • Looking forward to celebrating once you're back on your feet.

  • Hoping you feel a little stronger each day.

  • Take extra care of yourself.

  • You're in my heart.

Inspirational Get Well Quotes

  • "The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love." —Hubert Humphrey

  • “The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places." —Ernest Hemingway

  • "The wish for healing has always been half of health." —Lucius Annaeus

  • "There is one consolation in being sick; and that is the possibility that you may recover to a better state than you were ever in before." —Henry David Thoreau

  • "I enjoy convalescence. It is the part that makes the illness worthwhile." —George Bernard Shaw

  • "The best of healers is good cheer." —Pindus

  • "For sleep, riches and health to be truly enjoyed, they must be interrupted." —Johann Paul Friedrich Richter

  • "There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow." —Orison Swett Marden

  • "Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it." —Tori Amos

Religious Get Well Messages

hands praying for healing in church with rosary
Paul Burns - Getty Images
  • May God bless you with an easy and quick recovery, and good health every day after.

  • Praying for your return to wellness. I hope you feel better with each new day.

  • Have faith in the Lord's plan for you. He will ease your suffering.

  • May God send his angels to watch over you as you heal.

  • As you recover, rest well in God's hands. By His grace you will be restored to well-being.

  • God is listening to your prayers. He will grant you the strength you need to get through this difficult time.

  • With the love of Jesus Christ, you will fight, and beat, this sickness.

  • Scripture is full of passages proclaiming the healing power of our Lord. May he bless you with a fast return to vim and vigor.

  • Look to God to help guide you in your time of need. He will mend you, body and soul.

  • You are never alone in your illness, for Jesus is by your side, and so am I.

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