50 Poor Souls Who Just Had A Month That Was Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Than Yours

If you just had the absolute worst month ever, just remember...

1.The person who gave their car a new sleek, modern look:

A car with white paint all over it and on the garage floor, with caption "I ran over a can of paint in my garage"
u/daves-not-here- / Via reddit.com

2.The person who will be picking rice out of their keyboard until the cows come home:

spilled rice on a computer
u/kyanita / Via reddit.com

3.The person who was nice enough to give their phone a little snack:

A cellphone with chocolate and candy wrappers stuck on it, with caption "I put my phone in the wrong pocket"
u/birdplan / Via reddit.com

4.The person whose beanbag chair went absolutely nuclear:

  u/demonpixed / Via reddit.com
u/demonpixed / Via reddit.com

5.The person who made a terrible, terrible mistake:

A person confused a tube of Icy Hot pain relieving cream for toothpaste
u/sippykup / Via reddit.com

6.The person whose package got nice and smooshed:

A flattened, dirty package that a delivery truck drove over
u/goinggray62 / Via reddit.com

7.The person whose brisket came out juuuuuust right:

Blackened brisket
u/unholypuppetboy / Via reddit.com

8.The person whose lasagna is in and of itself a testament to man's folly:

A pan of lasagna spills all over the kitchen floor, with caption "Made a delicious lasagna and this happened three minutes later"
u/sloubi / Via reddit.com

9.The person who picked the absolute worst place to park that day:

A house balcony that fell on top of a parked car
u/fruittybaskett86 / Via reddit.com

10.The person who will never park all willy-nilly again:

Car key fob at the bottom of a drain, as seen through a metal grate, with caption "Never park over a drain"
u/theperfectslurpee / Via reddit.com

11.The person who got trapped in a prison of their own making:

The view of a jammed door from inside a portable toilet with caption, "So, I'm trapped in a porta-potty"
u/theatlascomplex / Via reddit.com

12.The person who enjoyed a fresh bowl of Oop! All Ants:

A bowl of cereal with small dark specks in it with the caption, "Ate half the bowl before I realized that's not chocolate"
u/valleystar / Via reddit.com

13.The person who's gonna be eating good for lunch today:

An open plastic container of half-used butter with caption, "My stupid ass brought the real butter instead of my lunch; I'm pissed"

14.The person who let the entire world know what was going on with their body:

Close-up of an arm wearing a hospital wrist band that says "Surgical site: Scrotum," with caption: "I had to have surgery — guess where?"
u/taxcollection / Via reddit.com

15.The person who experienced true tragedy:

"Why me?"
u/Busy_Obligation_9711 / Via reddit.com

16.The person who may just be the sweatiest man on Earth:

A man with sweat on his back
u/bobathehut / Via reddit.com

17.The person who made an enemy for life with a woodland creature today:

A squirrel with a brownie in its mouth

18.The person who got betrayed by the slurp:

Person who slurped their udon bowl of noodles with chile pepper powder and got the broth in their eye

19.The person who was nice enough to let their little buddy get a quick brush in:

A bug on a toothbrush
u/billservo86 / Via reddit.com

20.The person who also made an enemy for life with a different woodland creature:

"F***ing bird"
u/13inhiding / Via reddit.com

21.The person whose computer took a tumble:

A computer with a malfunction in the corner
u/pm_me_your_circuit / Via reddit.com

22.The person who found their AirPods safe and sound at the dump:

Arrow pointing to AirPods location

23.The person who will replay this moment over and over in their head:

  u/cearvee_008 / Via reddit.com
u/cearvee_008 / Via reddit.com

24.The person whose soup opened a portal to the netherworld:

Soup that's spilled all over and into a stove top burner with caption "I just wanted some soup"
u/sk-3y3_HIGH / Via reddit.com

25.The person whose finger looks like it's seen some...well, you know what:

Close-up of a person's fingers, one of which is stained dark, with caption "My glove broke while I was dyeing my purse"
u/Zestyclose_Quote_568 / Via reddit.com

26.The person who will now always quadruple-bag their trash:

A torn bag with dirt, debris, and drywall scattered all over a kitchen floor, with caption "I was carrying a bag of Sheetrock outside when tragedy struck"
u/chicken_permissionrd / Via reddit.com

27.The person whose cheese was evidently tampered with by some dark-sided stuff:

A hand holding a bloated package of cheese with caption "Something terrible happened to my cheese"
u/CrystalKU / Via reddit.com

28.The person who got that roach squeaky clean:

A large roach in a dishwasher with caption "Just washed my dishes — and a roach"
u/251cane / Via reddit.com

29.The person who got, well, fleas:

A bare hairy leg with fleas
u/_humblevaudevillain_ / Via reddit.com

30.The person who got the world's hardest soft tortilla:

A person holds up a broken tooth above two flour tortillas
u/kc5718 / Via reddit.com

31.The person who had quite possibly the worst thing I've ever seen happen to them:

Close-up of a fingernail with a large splinter deep in it, with the caption "I got a splinter under my fingernail"
u/dlc741 / Via reddit.com

32.The person whose entire home office is now well caffeinated:

Spilled coffee
u/supergush / Via reddit.com

33.The person who made a few wrong turns in life:


34.The person whose college diploma got di-folda'd:

A bent large envelope, with caption "Maybe next time I should put 'PLEASE FOLD'"
u/thejaywesker / Via reddit.com

35.The person whose soda had a little extra sting to it:

Close-up of a soaked wasp with caption "Took a swig of my soda and spit this out"
u/alexbooston / Via reddit.com

36.The person who will rue the day he bought those tongs:

Metled tongs
u/roboloco51 / Via reddit.com

37.The person whose sneezes probably register on the Richter scale:

Broken headphones
reddit.com / Via u/Lluka_Bazuuka

38.The person who just invented caffeinated yogurt:

A pile of coffee grounds on top of a plate of yogurt with caption "I dumped my freshly ground coffee into my yogurt without thinking"
u/mrpicklespam / Via reddit.com

39.The person who might now be resistant to every disease known to humankind:

The moldy interior of a water bottle with caption, "I've been drinking mold out of my water bottle for months"
u/yoinksboy / Via reddit.com

40.The person faced with this impossible task:

A huge pill in the palm of a hand with caption "This is the pill I was prescribed for my sore throat"
u/yinelkiss15 / Via reddit.com

41.The person who might want to buff out that scratch on their phone:

A phone broken in half with caption, "Do you think rice can fix this?"
u/Klutzy-Conclusion229 / Via reddit.com

42.The person who will apparently live out the rest of their days in the interview room:

A desk and an empty chair with caption, "I've been waiting over two hours to be interviewed"
u/Flat_Mechanic_8229 / Via reddit.com

43.The person who experienced true Crocs devastation:

Close-up of a foot wearing a Crocs shoe on the ground, with caption, "I was walking Chico and he started taking a shit, but it got stuck coming out of his ass, and as he tried shaking to release it, it went airborne and landed directly into my crocs"
u/thatpilatesprincess / Via reddit.com

44.The person who saved their beloved succulent...but at what cost:

Close-up of the palm of a hand with little needles emerging from it, with caption, "If your cactus is falling over, do not try to catch it"
u/ingloriusjesse / Via reddit.com

45.The person who learned a lesson humans have been learning since time immemorial:

View of a reclining chair with the seat upended, with two legs emerging from the sides, with caption "I leaned too far back, way too far"
u/smileywiley / Via reddit.com

46.The person who might want to watch their sodium intake after this one:

A pot on a stove with a pile of salt in it, with caption "The recipe called for a dash of salt"
u/littlewedding5269 / Via reddit.com

47.The person who came home to a little, fun surprise:

The view of a house's hallway with a huge hole in the ceiling and tree bark, branches, and dirt on the floor, with caption "Apparently a tree fell on my house"
u/oddfromevryangle / Via reddit.com

48.The person who will be finding little grains of rice until the cows come home yet again:

Rice spilled all over a tile floor, with caption, "I spilled rice — ALL the rice"
u/Cold-Sea-7467 / Via reddit.com

49.The person who had a little friend say hello during some hair drying:

A dead roach in a sink with a blow-dryer on the side, with caption, "I was blow-drying my hair when this fella popped out"
u/Ill_Possible_9555 / Via reddit.com

50.And Curt:

Close-up of a work jacket with a name that's supposed to be "Curt" but looks like the c-word, with caption "I think I should've chosen a different font for my work jacket"

Sorry, Curt.

u/1sttimetoker / Via reddit.com