50 Poor Souls Who Had A Way, Way, Wayyyyy Worse Month Than You

If you had a bad month, just remember...

1. The person who forgot it was paving day:

2. The person who just gave Pennywise a brand new airpod:

3. The person who lives next to the Nocturnal Mower:

4. The person who was almost imprisoned within the shitter:

5. The person who just permanently clogged the sink with some tuna:

6.The person who can never get their haircut again:

tweet about someone embarrassing themselves at the barber

7. The person who got a nice l'il kiss from a bird while riding a bike:

8. The person who just found out their toddler learned how to use the microwave:

9. The person with the hollowest mozz sticks in existence:

10.The person who just scored a deal on a very unique television:


11. The person with the crunchiest coffee in all of existence:

12. The person who apparently did something to upset the lawn people:

13. The person who miiiiight have damaged this ring a bit:

14. The person who is about to find out EXACTLY what scent of shampoo this other traveler uses:

15. The person who had their apology turn into an even bigger problem:

16. The person who committed sea monkey murder upon these very stairs:

17.The person forever trapped by that which they desired:

person trapped by a package

18. The person who had to sit behind this other person all night:

19. The person who just made a bathroom buddy for life:

20. The person who got a Hole-in-Toilet with their toothbrush:

21. The person who can never go home now:

22. The person responsible for the Great Chocolate Milk spill:

23. The person who had the very rare double snap happen to them:

24. The person forever banished to the road:

25. The person with a very pretty orange cast iron:

26. The person whose dog has a taste for Nintendo:

27. The person who enjoyed several syrupy ants:

28. These poor, poor parents who forgot to put a garbage bag in the diaper pale:

29. The person who just found your missing key:

30. The person who got their recommended daily value of paper and then some:

31. The person trapped forever by a hornet:

32. The person with a beautiful new white floor:

33. The person who was betrayed by a bag of grapes:

34. The proud owner of the world's wettest sandwich:

35. The person who apparently took their suit to a dry-cleaner run by cartoon dogs:

36. The person who had their internet literally cut off:

37. The person who should actually be thankful those bugs didn't go straight into their bare-face:

38. The person who now just has a big large unusable box in their kitchen:

39. The person who just has to give up and put the ice cream back now:

40. The person who has to put their shoes back together like a dang LEGO set:

41. The person forever trapped by a bike:

42. The person who has to clean this up:

43. The person who just started their raw food diet:

44. The person who will never, ever get that ring back:

45. The people who drove miles and miles just for this view:

46. The proud owner of a wAvY vInYl:

47. The person who has to deal with this mess:

48. The person whose pencil might as well be named Waldo:

49. The person who found out the hard way why Bills fans use these tables:

50. And the person who had to say goodbye to their old dino friend:

Goodbye, old friend.