50 Year Old Rides The World's Most Famous Bike Park Trail

When thinking of the whistler clientele, most people picture 25-year-olds sleeping in their truck lapping park all day and then showering in the creek before hitting the clubs in the village.

But that is not the entire demographic. Watch one 50-year-old clear A-line, proving that age is just a number.

Those are some huge jumps for someone middle-aged. With that being said, we are living in the first time period where 50-year-olds have been immersed in freeride for their entire adult life. In past times, older riders likely transferred from cross-country riding to jumping.

Now people can be that age and have ridden the Whistler bike park for nearly 25 years since it opened and experienced the golden age of the North Shore before that.

In this video, YouTuber Downhill Rebel travels to the Whistler Bike Park on opening day. May and June are perhaps the best times to hit the park because the weather is less dry than in the summer and dirt stays tackier. Also, the brake bumps only get worse as the season goes on.

A line is the most iconic trail at the bike park, and for good reason. The jumps are big but approachable and they ramp up in difficulty in a way that you don’t notice until you are hitting enormous jumps. There is a reason that A line is thought to be the most ridden trail in the world.

Anyone who has not should strongly consider a trip to the Whistler bike park to see what the hype is about.

Whistler Bike Park Map<p>Whistler Bike Park</p>
Whistler Bike Park Map

Whistler Bike Park

Whistler Bike Park Stats

Marked trails: 70

Trail mileage: 50

Vertical: 4,900 feet

Lifts: 4

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