50 Horrific Roommates Who Were Legit So Inconsiderate In 2021, They Deserve A "Roommate From Hell" Award

If you've ever had a roommate in your lifetime, then you're well aware that the experience isn't always peachy keen, jelly bean. Some people are slobs, some are inconsiderate, and some are just hella toxic.


So, here are some of the worst roommates from 2021 who will hopefully make you feel a litttttle bit better about your own home situation.

1. Someone I'd hate to have as a roommate:

2. Someone I'd really hate to have as a roommate:

Dirty sink filled with spaghetti
Messy/dirty living room with a broken lamp, dirty kitchen table

3. Someone I'd really, really hate to have as a roommate:

4. Someone I'd really, really, REALLY hate to have as a roommate:

"Did he just shove everything in the closet, like it’s a fucking dumpster? He can move to the door to pick up his food, but he can’t seem to take it to the garage??? Woooooow."


"This reminds me of one of my earlier roommates who would accumulate all of her McDonald's take-out bags into a corner of her bedroom, and then throw them out at the end of the semester. It would end up being at least three large garbage bags, and then she'd wonder why there were mice in her room ¯\(ツ)/¯."


5. Someone I'd really, really, really, REALLY hate to have as a roommate:

"This is childish. It makes me think of when my parents removed my sister's door knob when she was a teenager."


"At first I thought this was yet another cat/dog post...until I got to the part where the door knobs were removed. The fuck? Who does that?"


6. Someone I'd really, really, really, really, REALLY hate to have as a roommate:

"I feel ya. I had a roommate who filled my bathroom bin with used sanitary products instead of using the bin in her own bathroom, and just kept on adding to it. She refused to empty it —territory queen."


"I’m married, we have kids, and I still am the only one to empty the bathroom trash. My sanitary products are in it and I don’t want my husband to have to do it, but even when I go visit my parents and I’m on my period, I will empty the trash before I leave. My menstrual cycle, my job to take the trash out — Ion’t leave that crap for someone else to do. Ew."


7.Someone I'd really, really, really, really, really, REALLYYYYYY hate to have as a roommate:

Text exchange about a roommate asking for half of the money for things they bought together
Continued exchange about splitting money from bad roomie: "Heya, I had a small black sharp knife I think you could've accidentally packed it;" Good roomie: "No, that was mine. I had it before you moved in"

8. Someone I'd really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY hate to have as a roommate:

"I'd get a payment contract lined up, and if they refuse to sign and pay, sue them. Small claims. F 'em."


"How can people be so inconsiderate of other people's belongings??? If someone thought it would be a good idea to put an incense cone without its container on top of my drawing screen (well, even with the container, it would be a dick move), I would absolutely lose my mind. I hope you're getting paid back with interest."


"I don’t know much about telescopes, but I do know they are not cheap — this would drive me nuts."


9. Someone I'd really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY hate to have as a roommate:

"Oh man — I'm so sorry you have to live with this. I had a similar roommate who started a similar collection in our apartment’s only shower. The hairball was kinda gross but there wasn’t a massive problem until I found her bright red hairin my razor 🤢."


"Make a wig and sell it."


10. Someone I'd really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY hate to have as a roommate:

"You need to remove this person from your life ASAP...trust me."


"Technically what your roommate did was illegal and you can bring him to small claims court over this. If he doesn't repay you, serve him."


11. Someone I'd really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY hate to have as a roommate:

"My first roommate at 18 was this kind of guy. One day I told him I was putting his mattress out front if he didn't do his dishes. He didn't think I was serious, and he came home to me shoving his mattress out the door."


"Get rid of your roommate ASAP — my old roommate was throwing away our silverware and dishes until we caught him, then he started cramming them in his dresser and gave us ROACHES."


12. Someone I'd really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY hate to have as a roommate:

"WHAT THE F?! Red flags everywhere."


"Once I was cleaning out my friend's freezer for him ('cause he was messy) and way in the back behind the ice box, I found a dead rat in there (wrapped up in paper towels and a baggy). My friend's old roommate had a snake, but that was like, five or six years ago...she had forgotten the thing was in there!"


13. Someone I'd really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY hate to have as a roommate:

Half of raw ground beef sitting on a dirty kitchen counter

14. Someone I'd really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY hate to have as a roommate:

"Reasons to kick out roommates #101: This..."


"That’s going to ruin the flooring and will absolutely come out of your deposit if you’re renting…"


15. Someone I'd really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY hate to have as a roommate:

"I can smell this image dfhgjhgf truly disgusting. I'm genuinely sorry you guys got stuck with cleaning this shit up."


"RIP his security deposit."


"My roommate scattered cat poop all over my belongings in my room the week we were moving out while I was gone. I cleaned his room and cat litter box in the process of me packing, so I feel your betrayal, buddy."


16. Someone I'd really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY hate to have as a roommate:

"What did they say when you confronted them about it?"


"I was as calm as I could be because he had company over, and the gist of his response was, 'I didn’t realize how sentimental the bike was to you or how expensive it was.' If you could see how I parked the bike and the ample space I left for the cars, you’d know what he did was over-the-top careless. Dude hit my bike, watched it fall, and just drove over it to the point where I couldn’t pull it out from under his bumper and the front bike tire was pressed up against a wall by being dragged by his car a few feet. He’s a bit of a spacey dude in general (he loses his keys, wallet, and credit card regularly, he's bad with picking up stuff, he doesn’t do chores, etc.) but this really took the cake. I had the bike for years, and now the only major cosmetic damage is from him scraping the shit out of it."


17. Someone I'd really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY hate to have as a roommate:

"That spelling destroyed so many of my brain cells."


18. Someone I'd really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY hate to have as a roommate:

19. Someone I'd really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY hate to have as a roommate:

"Why oh why do people do this? Setting it on top or beside the trash can is not throwing it away, and just makes it more difficult for everybody else."


"Jeeeeeez don’t even get me started — my boyfriend doesn't put food into the trash bin whenever he's cooking, so he puts it in the sink instead. The sink is NOT a trash bin, ffs!"


20. Someone I'd really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY hate to have as a roommate:

"One time both of my roommates went on vacation together without telling me. They just up and left one morning and I didn't even know what was going on — this wouldn't have been a problem if one of them didn't have a freaking cat. Yeah, I took care of the cat. I love cats, but I don't know what my roommate was thinking would've happened. Considering that no one else stopped by to check in on the cat, I can only conclude that she expected me to take care of it (without even giving me a heads up). She was the shittiest roommate I've ever had."


21. Someone I'd reall...well, you get the picture by now. I'd hate to have the following 30 people as my roommate:


"Ooh, and with little touches of random hairs and makeup smudges — what a classy person."


"WHO RAISED THIS PERSON?!?! Nah, man, I’m out."



Text exchange about a bad roomie owing a good roomie money, late on payments because he's unemployed
Text exchange about a bad roomie owing a good roomie money, late on payments because he's unemployed, late on rent payment, part two
Text exchange about a bad roomie owing a good roomie money, late on payments because he's unemployed, late on rent payment, part three
Text exchange about a bad roomie owing a good roomie money, late on payments because he's unemployed, late on rent payment, part four
Text exchange about a bad roomie owing a good roomie money, late on payments because he's unemployed, late on rent payment, good roomie making peace with him, part five


"Moderately to highly infuriating."


"I'm honestly more worried about the damage to the oven. Self-clean cycles are on ovens because they make people happy thinking they have a maintenance-free oven, but in reality, the excessive heat is bad for the wiring."





"Make one of these but about if you pay rent/can you make up the rules."



"Is that pee????"


"Yes, old and new."


"I came here to ask if it was piss or a spit cup from chew — either way, it’s disgusting."



"Jesus Christ, I thought this was a wilted flower before I zoomed in...that's disgusting."


"She beats out many bad roommates on here by a mile...I would prefer dirty dishes over a window sill tampon any day."



Toothpaste tube with tooth past all over opening
Toothpaste tube with tooth past all over opening


"Lol my old housemate complained that I took all the forks...like yes, I’ve owned them for six years and obviously took them from house to house. Why would I leave them for you?"


"She’s just purposely bothering you, tbh. Tell her to fuck right off 🙄 — she can go buy a trash can, even a small, temporary one, literally anywhere."



"All they needed to do is put a folded towel down."



"My friend is in the same situation as you. Her roommates are filthy animals who always leave their used dishes out, never clean, etc. — they’ve had an active roach infestation for months now, which they know about, but refuse to clean up after themselves. So, the roaches never quite go away, but they sure as hell tell her that her bedroom has 'bad, evil vibes' because she thrifts her clothes."




This egg has already hatched. Keep looking for easter eggs for a chance to be a winner of our 5 Days of Giveaways!


Good roomie supporting bad roomie through a bad airplane flight, bad roomie leaving because flight was overbooked
Good roomie supporting bad roomie through a bad airplane flight, bad roomie leaving because flight was overbooked and asking for money to pay rent
Bad roomie's room, dirty with used water bottles, soda bottles, and trash bags
Bad roomie's room, dirty with used water bottles, soda bottles, and trash bags


"Ugh, I can't believe you threw out my milk. I like it when it's chunky."



"I'm usually all onboard with the communication element, but if this person is breaking the cabinet lock for a THIRD time, I have a feeling any sort of in-person conversation won't lead to anything. The roommate isn't just stealing food and the original poster isn't offering passive aggressive notes — the roommate is breaking locks to get in. That's no accident."


38.This roommate, who accused their roomie of stealing their meds when they actually forgot them at their grandparents' house:

Bad roomie accusing good roomie of stealing their meds
Bad roomie accusing good roomie of stealing their meds, realizing they left them at their grandparents' house




"This is a good way to break your dishwasher."


"Ahhh yes, the random placement. My roommate is a fan of the mostly empty full wash cycle in the middle of the day."




"I also woke up to a message at 7 a.m. from my roommate bringing up a past relationship of mine, and how I made it go south and all I said was, 'I asked you to do your dishes and pay rent on time. Grow up.'"


"Ugh, my roommate deflects like this — he refuses to take accountability any time we ask him to clean up after himself."



"Why is the litter box balanced on two bars of a clothing rack? The cat was trying to poop and his box went all cattywhompus on the poor dude — that's how you get a cat afraid to use the box."



Ashtray full of used cigarettes on top shelf, dirty mugs on bottom shelf




"I was going to say just flush the toilet, but yeah, using YOUR scissors is going too far. My roommate has left his hair trimmings around too, and as gross as it is, I manage to clean it up...it's just whatever...but using someone else's stuff for personal use is a definite no no!"



"Make one of these but about if you pay rent/can you make up the rules."



"Now that's some passive aggressive, petty-ass shit right there."


"One of my roommates installed a lockbox over the thermostat control because he was in a dispute with another roommate over adjusting the heat."



Bad roomie insulted that they have to clean the apartment before moving out
Box full of dirty hair and lint

50. And last, but certainly not least: Someone I'd absolutely DESPISE to have as a roommate:

"The f is a poop towel? No."


"It's when a bad roommate picks up dog poop with a dish towel, and leaves it on the counter and the apartment management does not care."


Godspeed to the good roommates of 2021 — I don't know how you did it!!!


Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

The year is almost over, and we're looking back on 2021. Check out more from the year here!