50 Fall Instagram Captions

50 Fall Instagram Captions

Fall is pleasantly marked by the sudden coolness in the air, just about everything pumpkin, and countless Instagram-worthy opportunities. This season calls for unlimited trips every weekend to fully enjoy this transitional stretch before the rigid winter hits. Grab a light sweater and throw on some cute booties for your picture-perfect adventure. These gorgeous backdrops may include pumpkin patches, apple-picking, and hay rides. If you prefer to lay low, but still want to enjoy everything this season has to offer; light an apple-cinnamon spiced candle, pour hot-chocolate in your favorite mug, and snuggle up to a good book. However, don’t forget to snap a pic of your cozy set-up. Wherever your adventure takes you this Autumn season, we’ve crafted the best fall Instagram captions for your seasonal photo-ops that will leaf you smiling. On the count of three say, “Happy Fall Y’all” and strike your best pose with your pumpkin spice latte.

Funny Captions

“Spice, spice baby.”
“Channel the flannel.”
“Sweater weather is better together.”
“The only thing getting “lit” this weekend are my fall scented candles.”
“Pumpkin spice and everything nice.”
“Oh my gourd I love fall.”
“You are the pick of the patch.”
“Autumn skies and pumpkin pies”
“I’ve never met a pumpkin I didn’t like.”
“Stay Cozy”
“Fall so hard.”
“Hate to be corny, but…”
“Squash Goals”
“Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s maple leaves.”
“I love you more than pumpkin pie.”
“FALLing in love.”
“I like you a latte.”
“How ‘bout them apples?”
“Aw, shucks.”
“Would you be-leaf I took this photo on the first try?”
“Keep calm and stay cozy”
“Fall breeze and autumn leaves”
“Hello, pumpkin”
“The apple of my eye”
“Stressed, blessed, pumpkin obsessed”
“Autumn delight”
“I never want to leaf this beautiful place.”
“I’m aMAIZED we escaped.”
“Pumpkin spice and everything nice.”
“It’s just a bunch of Hocus Pocus!”
“My blood type is pumpkin spice.”
“Happy fall y’all.”
“Fall is my excuse for pumpkin everything.”
“The cold never bothered me anyway.”
“Tea, a hug in a cup.”
“Let’s give ‘em pumpkin to talk about.”
“Spice things up”
“Apple-y ever after”
“I know it’s corn-y, but you’re a-maize-ing.”
“Orange you glad it’s fall?”
“Life is gourd.”
“Leaves are falling and autumn is calling.”
“But I love fall most of all.”

Inspiring Captions

“And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.” - Oscar Wilde
“Life starts all over when it gets crisp in the fall” - F. Scott Fitzgerald
“Happiness is a hot drink on a cold day.” - Unknown
“Autumn… the year’s last, loveliest smile.” – William Cullen Bryant

WATCH: 5 Inexpensive Fall Activities

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” - L.M. Montgomery
“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.” – Emily Brontë
“Notice that autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.” – Friedrich Nietzsche