50 Creative Ideas of What To Talk About With Your Girlfriend

Coffee date with girlfriend

Conversation is an essential part of the foundation of any relationship, so knowing what to say and when is a skill you’ll develop the longer you’re with someone. Plus, everyone has their own way of communicating their needs, wants, interests and general thoughts to others. But how do you start doing this effectively?

This process is something I call “learning to speak the same language” as your partner. Think about if you went to a country where they only spoke French. You wouldn’t go to a cafe and order in your native tongue and expect them to understand you, right? That’s a big no. Speaking the same “language,” or at least knowing a few common words, is vital to understanding and empathizing with someone—especially your partner.

But learning how to communicate with your partner isn’t only about how you speak to them; it’s also about what you talk about. It's no wonder that many people are left wondering, "What should I talk about with my girlfriend?" Whether you’re still in the honeymoon period with your new girl or have been together for a while, picking the right things to discuss can always be a challenge.

Let’s start by walking through 50 different things to talk about with your girlfriend. That way, you’re not just filling awkward conversation pauses with corny jokes or random facts (even though that’s always a go-to option).

Related: 10 Phrases To Effectively Start a Conversation, According to Psychologists

How Do I Keep a Conversation Going With My Girlfriend?

Instead of your conversations turning more bland than a monotone lecture, practice your nonverbal communication skills. Maintaining eye contact, nodding and smiling are all ways to show your girlfriend you’re fully paying attention to what she’s saying. While you’re not always going to be 100% interested in everything she says, she should feel appreciated and heard while talking to you. One of the worst mistakes couples make (at any point during their relationship) is when one partner starts tuning out when the other talks about something they’re passionate about. Follow these tips to keep a conversation going with your girlfriend without making it awkward:

  • Instead of asking questions with yes or no answers, ask questions encouraging her to share more about her thoughts, feelings and experiences.

  • Open up about your experiences and thoughts to create a more reciprocal conversation.

  • Demonstrate an interest in learning more about her opinions, dreams and aspirations.

  • Inject humor into your conversations.

  • Seek her thoughts on various subjects, whether they're related to current events, personal decisions or hypothetical scenarios.

Related: 250 Deep Conversation Topics To Get You Thinking—and Talking!

'What Should I Talk About With My Girlfriend?"—Best Topic Ideas

  1. Talk about your individual and shared goals.

  2. Identify both of your aspirations, both short-term and long-term.

  3. Discuss what made your favorite moments special for each of you.

  4. List your favorite books, movies or TV shows.

  5. Plan future trips or discuss places you both would love to visit.

  6. Share and discuss your individual hobbies.

  7. Explore new activities or find common interests to pursue together.

  8. Reflect on your relationship journey.

  9. Talk about special moments, challenges you've overcome and your growth as a couple.

  10. Explain your thoughts on recent news.

  11. Bring up topics about current local, national or international events that interest both of you.

  12. Talk about your families and friends.

  13. Update each other on the important people in your lives.

  14. Plan a cooking night or explore new restaurants together.

  15. Share your personal philosophies and values.

Related: Break the Ice! These 250 Questions To Ask a Girl Will Help You Get the Conversation Started

Sweet Things To Talk About

  1. Remind her of your love and appreciation for her, sharing the specific things you adore about her personality, appearance or actions.

  2. Celebrate each other’s accomplishments, big or small.

  3. Share your thoughts on performing sweet gestures for each other.

  4. Come up with new ideas for surprising and delighting one another.

  5. Talk about the small habits or quirks that make her special and how those little things contribute to your happiness.

  6. Offer words of encouragement and support if she’s having a tough time.

  7. Share your emotions and encourage her to express hers, showing her you’re a safe place to talk about difficult things.

  8. Create a bucket list of new date ideas you want to do together.

Related: Want to Display Your Active Listening Skills? Try Using These 33 Powerful Phrases

Serious Things To Talk About

  1. Establish ground rules about how you both prefer to communicate.

  2. Talk about any challenges in communication and find ways to improve understanding.

  3. Share the steps you're taking or plan to take to improve yourself.

  4. Discuss how you can support each other's personal development within the relationship.

  5. Share your views on money, budgeting and financial goals.

  6. If you plan on getting married or remaining in a long-term committed relationship, talk about how you plan to handle joint finances, if applicable.

  7. Determine how you both handle conflicts and develop healthy ways to resolve disagreements to ensure open communication.

  8. Figure out your views on marriage, children and family.

  9. Share your timelines and expectations about life-changing decisions.

  10. Talk about your differences in values and how they might impact your future.

  11. Make sure you both know each other’s comfort levels with physical and emotional intimacy.

  12. Establish boundaries and ensure both partners feel respected.

  13. Discuss how your career paths impact your relationship and lifestyle.

  14. Talk about mental health openly and have ways to support each other during challenging times, encouraging your partner to seek professional help if needed.

Next: 50 Interesting Questions to Text a Guy or Girl That'll Get the Conversation Going

Fun Things To Talk About

  1. Talk about your favorite childhood experiences, especially any funny stories or things you both enjoyed growing up.

  2. Share the names of historical figures, celebrities or fictional characters you'd love to have dinner with. Explore the reasons behind your choices and imagine your conversations with them.

  3. Discuss what your perfect day would look like from start to finish.

  4. Find humor in the little things that might annoy you.

  5. Discuss what you would do if you won a lot of money.

  6. Share your guilty pleasures, whether it's a favorite snack or a guilty pleasure TV show.

  7. Laugh about the things that make you both smile.

  8. Watch each other’s favorite childhood movie and talk about it.

  9. Explore questions like, "What if we could time travel for a day?" or "What if we could switch lives with someone for a week?"

Next: 15 Phrases to Politely End a Conversation, According to Psychologists