60 New Year’s Eve Pickup Lines That’ll Start Your 2024 on a hot Note

new year pickup lines
60 Actually Cute Pickup Lines for New Year's EveHulton Archive - Getty Images

Hoping to receive a midnight kiss on New Year’s Eve this year? Then you’re going to need a lil’ New Year’s pickup line. Why? It’ll signal that you’re actually trying to flirt when communicating with your ~person of interest~, whether you’re chatting via text, dating app, or IRL.

And if your pickup line comes off cheesy, don’t stress. That’s kind of the point of pickup lines—it’s what makes them cute! Odds are, it’ll make your crush laugh, too, which is always a plus when you’re flirting. And honestly, what better time than New Year’s Eve to be bold and start your year off going for what you actually want in life? Especially if your goal for 2024 is to spice up your love life. It’s the start of resolution season, after all!

So, no matter who you’re looking to connect with on this first of January—a Hinge suitor, a long-term partner, random attractive stranger, or old flame—a New Year’s Eve pickup line is your secret weapon. That said, before you use any pickup lines, remember: You want to make sure these pickup lines are well-received, so be responsible with your delivery! Aka, don’t send an extra spicy or dirty pickup line to a total stranger on Tinder or to someone you just met, k? They haven't consented to that kind of ~spicy~ energy.

Now, it’s time to dive in. These are the 60 best New Year’s pickup lines to add to your flirting repertoire this year. (You’re welcome!)

When You Want to Sex Your Way Into the New Year

  1. Wanna ring in the new year with a bang?

  2. If my right leg was Christmas and my left was New Year's, would you like to spend some time between the holidays?

  3. Can I see your clothes drop at midnight too?

  4. My condom expires at the end of 2023. Do you want to help me use it?

  5. I don't care about seeing this year’s ball drop. The only things I want to see dropping are your clothes.

  6. Let’s make a bet: If the ball drops at midnight, you kiss me.

  7. I know it’s not midnight yet, but do you still want to kiss?

  8. The only fireworks I want to see tonight are the ones in your pants.

  9. You're the very first thing on my new year to-do list.

  10. What's your new year's resolution? I'm looking at mine right now.

  11. Wanna be my first mistake of the year?

  12. My resolution is to be more on top of things. Would you like to be one of them?

  13. I can think of better places to pour out champagne…

  14. That’s a nice New Year’s Eve outfit! Now can I take you out of it?

  15. If you fit me in before the end of the year, you can write it off.

  16. I’ve already got a party hat. Want to be a noise maker?

When You’re Trying to Start Off 2024 With a Date

  1. Excuse me, is it midnight? I'd check my watch but I can't take my eyes off you.

  2. My resolution is to start making the first move.

  3. My new year's resolution is to make you my boyfriend/girlfriend/partner.

  4. It’s your lucky day, I’m available at midnight.

  5. I heard your resolution was to meet your soul mate. Well, I’m right here.

  6. Who took the lights out of the New Year's Eve ball and put them in your eyes?

  7. Do you know it’s unlucky to be so good looking and not have anyone to kiss at midnight?

  8. I guess we’ll have to make New Year’s Day our anniversary date.

  9. Do you need a buddy to help you stick to your resolutions?

  10. If we kiss, I’ll already have gotten my New Year's resolution.

  11. Cheers to a new year and a new beginning for us!

  12. I’ll be your New Year’s kiss if you’ll be my January 2 kiss.

  13. I’d love to be the first good thing to happen to you in the new year.

  14. Kiss me if I’m wrong but tomorrow is the beginning of 2024, right?

  15. Was your resolution to meet your perfect person? Because that might be me.

  16. Are you 2024? Because you look like a new beginning to me.

  17. I know how we can make 2024 the best year of our lives.

  18. Can you believe 2024 will be the year we became a couple?

  19. So what are you doing on January 2?

  20. Can you help me cross “get a date” off my resolution list?

  21. I got my New Year’s wish when you walked into the room.

  22. My 2023 would have been so much better if you were in it.

  23. I’m only counting down to when I can see you again.

  24. Are you 2024? Because I’ve been waiting for you.

  25. Should we go ahead and make New Year's Day our anniversary date?

  26. My New Year’s resolution was to match with the best-looking person on (insert dating app name). It looks like I succeeded.

  27. I should be watching the countdown, but I can’t take my eyes off you.

  28. Are you New Years? Because you make me Happy.

  29. If I buy you a soccer ball, will you kick it with me in the New Year?

When You Want to Remind Your Partner That They’re the Best Part of Every Year

  1. Next year without you would be like a broken pencil. Pointless.

  2. Hershey factories make millions of kisses a day, but I'm only asking for one at midnight.

  3. I don’t need to watch the ball drop, I’d much rather sit here and watch you.

  4. I don’t need a resolution, I already have everything I want right here.

  5. I want to be the last thing you see in 2023 and the first thing you see in 2024.

  6. My only resolution is to focus on you.

  7. If I have you, I already know it’s going to be a good year.

  8. We should kiss for every New Year we didn’t celebrate together.

  9. You shine brighter than Times Square on New Year’s Eve.

  10. Can't wait to be your New Year's kiss every December 31st.

  11. I already got my New Year's wish just by being here with you.

  12. I fell for you faster than the ball drop.

  13. Finding you was better than any resolution I could've made last year.

  14. It’s the New Year, but we’re the same *us.*

  15. Honestly? To me, you’ve always shined brighter than these New Year fireworks.

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