5 Ways Your Vagina Can Change After Sex

Every once in a while, you may notice that things seem a little different below the belt after you have sex. An itchy vagina after sex? Yeah, we've all been there. When something feels off or painful, it’s natural to wonder if everything is OK, or if it the change warrants medical attention. (We all want our vaginas and vulvas to stay healthy, right?) To find out what's worth a trip to the doctor, we asked ob/gyns to weigh in on the some of the more common vaginal changes women experience after sex—specifically: what to look out for, and why most of these changes are really nothing to worry about. Here is what they told us:

You have an itchy vagina after sex.

Post-coital itchiness could be due to a few things, says Maureen Whelihan, M.D., an ob/gyn at the Center for Sexual Health and Education in West Palm Beach, Florida, and Charlotte, North Carolina. It could be irritation from friction while you were getting busy, a sensitivity or allergy to the lube you used, or an issue with latex condoms.

The first one is no big deal and will gradually subside. But if you find that this is happening often, try switching out your lube to a hypoallergenic variety or use non-latex condoms and see if it makes a difference. If not, talk to your ob/gyn.

Your have a swollen vagina after sex.

A little swelling is really common after sex—it's actually a sign of arousal that can linger even after sex is over. “The spongy structures that go up each side of the penis and fill with blood, creating an erection, also occur in women,” says Whelihan. In women, those structures sit behind your outer lips, a.k.a. your labia majora. “When they fill with blood during arousal, the vulva appears puffy and swollen,” Whelihan explains. They should depuff on their own, but a hot compress can speed things up if it bothers you.

Your vagina burns when you pee.

If your vagina is burning after sex—especially when you pee—it's tempting to assume something is seriously wrong. (If you've ever had a UTI, you know the panic that creeps in when you think you might have contracted one) The burning could be due to micro-abrasions (i.e., little cuts) that women can get during sex, says Jessica Shepherd, M.D., an assistant professor of clinical obstetrics and gynecology and director of minimally invasive gynecology at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago. This can happen for a variety of reasons: Maybe your partner’s pubic hair was abrasive or things got a little rough. Whatever it is, Shepherd says, it will usually go away on its own.

In the meantime, be sure to pat, not wipe, when you use toilet paper to prevent injuring your vagina more. (Note that a teensy bit of blood may occur with these abrasions, and is not cause for concern). If it’s super uncomfortable to pee, Whelihan recommends pouring some lukewarm water over your vulva while you go to dilute the acid in your urine that causes the sting.

You’re really dry down there.

This could be a sign that you were never really all that lubricated to begin with, Shepherd says. There's no reason not to use lube—it pretty much always makes things more comfortable.

You can use lube like coconut oil after sex too—if the dryness is irritating, a little lube can help soothe things. Overwashing your vagina or using chemical wipes can also cause this to happen, Whelihan says, so ease up on those habits if this becomes a problem for you.

You bleed a little.

Light vaginal bleeding can occur for some women after sex, says Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., clinical professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences at Yale School of Medicine, and can be the result of a number of common issues (including dryness). Rougher sex can cause slight vaginal tearing, which could also lead to a woman seeing some spotting.

Bleeding isn't necessarily a red flag. "For one episode, I wouldn't worry," she says. If it is recurrent, Minkin suggests consulting your gyno.

When to see your gyno.

While most of these pos-sex issues are totally normal, sometimes a trip to the doctor is in order. The golden rule of thumb, according the experts: If a problem persists more than a day or two, call your doc.

Other red flags: You suddenly start bleeding after sex, you develop a fever, or if you have painful urination that gets worse, Shepherd says. When in doubt, call the doc.

Originally Appeared on Glamour