5 Ways to Show Your Body Love Every Morning

Mornings are our favorite time of the day. Each morning when you wake up, you have the opportunity to say YES to loving your body and spending a few minutes to focus on you. We get that mornings can be hectic, but you deserve that time for yourself. And the way you start your day is a reflection of how the rest of it will go!

During the Love Your Body Series, the entire Tone It Up community is dedicating six weeks to showing ourselves the love we deserve. Do it with us! You can join us for the Love Your Body Series HERE. We’re all so beautiful, so unique, and so deserving of self-love — these five tips are a few of the simple things we do to show our bodies love every morning.

1. Meditate. Morning meditation is one of the most effective ways to set yourself up for a positive day filled with love and gratitude. Find a quiet space where you can close your eyes and declutter your head and your heart, so that you have room to accept beautiful moments throughout the day. Each week during the Love Your Body Series, we’re sharing a guided meditation — if you’re new to meditation, this is the perfect way to ease into it! And each week we’ll set an intention to focus on.

2. Journal. Following a meditation, it’s always important to journal your thoughts, goals, and intentions. Putting pen to paper has such a powerful effect on sticking by those goals — and sometimes it just feels so good to put your emotions into writing. There are also mornings that we incorporate mantras or motivational books into our routines. These are a few of our favorite books.

3. Get your sweat sesh in. Morning workouts have always been an important part of the Tone It Up lifestyle, because exercise is one of the most important ways to show your body love! When you wake up and dedicate time to move your body, you’ll get a rush of mood-boosting endorphins and set yourself up for a day that’s filled with good vibes. Plus, working out in the morning boosts your metabolism all day long.

4. Practice positive affirmations. Your words are SO powerful, so always practice positive self-talk. Take a moment each morning to look in the mirror and truly admire something about yourself and say it out loud. Recognize your incredible beauty, inside and out.

5. Fuel yourself right. How you fuel your body will make a huge difference in how you feel! Every time that you eat, remember that you are a reflection of everything you put inside you. We love to start each day with a delicious smoothie or pancake made with plant-based, non-GMO Tone It Up Protein. The protein will help you form beautiful, lean muscle and boost your metabolism. And when you join the Love Your Body Series, you’ll receive tons of advice on nutritious, body-loving foods that will make you feel healthy, confident, and glowing!

What are your best tips to start your morning on a positive note? Share them with us @BritandCo and @ToneItUp.

(Photos via Tone It Up)