5 Ways to Reveal Your Strong and Gorgeous Abs

As trainers, one of the top questions we always hear is, “How do I reveal those beautiful abs I work so hard to sculpt?” And we’ll let you in on our biggest secret: nutrition! Personally, when we pair our workouts with whole, clean, nourishing meals, we see the biggest difference in how we look and feel. That’s why we always say, “Abs are made with your workouts and revealed with your Tone It Up Nutrition Plan.”

Eating Lean, Clean, ‘N Green with the Tone It Up Nutrition Plan will make your abs POP, your skin glow, and help you feel energized, healthy, and confident. The plan includes science-backed information on what to eat and why and access to thousands of delicious recipes. Learn more about the plan HERE.

Today we’re sharing even more secrets for how to reveal your strong and gorgeous abs, banish bloat, and boost your metabolism. These are our top five tips.

1. Spice things up. We love adding cayenne pepper to our meals because it raises your internal temperature and gives you a metabolism boost! One of our favorite recipes right now is our Spicy Cauliflower Wings.

2. Sip on kombucha. Kombucha contains beneficial bacteria called probiotics that aid in digestion and help banish bloat. Plus, there are so many delicious flavors; one of our favorites is Ginger Lemon from Health-Ade. When we’re feeling extra fancy, we love sipping on our kombucha in a wine glass ;)

3. HITT it. It’s all about revving your metabolism to reveal those strong abs — that’s why we love HIIT workouts! High-intensity interval training combines short bursts of intense activity with periods of rest. This type of routine keeps your metabolism boosted long after the workout is finished. We incorporate HIIT into your Weekly Workout Schedule 2-3 times a week to give you the maximum benefits. Try one of our amazing HIIT routines in your Studio Tone It Up App. Start your seven-day Free Trial HERE.

4. Lights out. When you get plenty of rest — we’re talking 7-8 hours — you have decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol in your body. Bringing down your cortisol levels will help you speed up your metabolism and steady your blood sugar levels, which are both key to revealing your gorgeous abs. Plus, you’ll feel so refreshed and amazing!

5. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Are you drinking water right now? Staying hydrated is huge for revealing your core. Sipping on water all day every day keeps you feeling satisfied and boosts your metabolism. We recommend having half your body weight in ounces of water per day.

For even more tips, our Tone It Up Lifestyle kit includes all the tools you abs-olutely need to succeed. Get access to the Nutrition Plan with thousands of delicious recipes, meal prep containers, Booty Bands, and more to live your healthy, balanced, and confident lifestyle!

What are your best ab tips? Share them with us @BritandCo and @ToneItUp.

(Photos via Tone It Up)