5 Ways to Use a Loaf of Sourdough Bread

How To Make Bread Step 21
How To Make Bread Step 21

© Matthew Armendariz

Tangy, crusty sourdough bread makes for some of the best toast in the world. But that's not all it's good for. Save some of the loaf (or buy an extra!) for these great recipes.

1. Roast it with chicken. Toss torn pieces of sourdough bread with shallots, caperberries, lemons, and olive oil and top with chicken legs. As the chicken roasts, the bread absorbs the rich and tangy juices, becoming deliciously crisp and chewy.

Chicken Roasted on Bread with Caperberries and Charred Lemons
Chicken Roasted on Bread with Caperberries and Charred Lemons

2. Use it in stuffing. Stuffing isn't just for the holidays—it's a great side dish for any meal. Cubed sourdough bread is a great base for any recipe, but it's especially delicious in an extra-cheesy variation.

Sourdough Rye Stuffing with Sausage
Sourdough Rye Stuffing with Sausage

© Lucy Schaeffer

3. Make it into a bread bowl for soup. Hollowed out sourdough rounds are sturdy enough to hold most soups. The best part? Eating the bowl after you've finished the soup!

Roasted Green Tomato Basil Soup in Sourdough
Roasted Green Tomato Basil Soup in Sourdough

4. Make it into bread crumbs. Sourdough bread crumbs are flavorful enough to serve as a delicious topping on creamy soups—especially if you mix them with herbs and crumbled pancetta.

Potato, Leek and Broccoli Soup With Pancetta Crumbs
Potato, Leek and Broccoli Soup With Pancetta Crumbs

© David Malosh

5. Use it in bread pudding. For an extra-simple savory bread pudding, simply toast slices of sourdough and layer with artichokes, cheese, and a mix of milk and eggs, then bake.

Artichoke Bread Pudding
Artichoke Bread Pudding