5 Ways to Get a Crazy Good Stair-Climber Workout

5 Ways to Get a Crazy Good Stair-Climber Workout 1. Focus on building lower-body strength. The key is making sure you keep your back upright and core engaged, so your lower half takes the force. Land with your heel on the step (rather than hanging off the edge), so you can activate your hamstrings more. To work your glutes, skip every other stair, press through your heel, and squeeze your glutes as you stand upright on the next step. 2. Use the stair-climber as an effective weight-loss tool. Cardio mixed with lower-body strength training means that you'll burn more calories during and after your workout than you would doing moderate cardio. 3. Do a stair-climber workout for recovery. Using the stair-climber is a lower-impact exercise, so it's a good option if you have back issues and can't use the treadmill. However, it can be tough on your knees though. 4. Climb to improve posture. You're likely going to have the same posture and form on the stair-climber as you do on actual stairs. Be sure to not hunch over or put too much weight on the handrails. 5. Try the stair-climber if you're sick of the elliptical. Elliptical burnout is real, so try switching it up. **Us thinking about a 5th day on the elliptical.**