5 Tips for Setting Realistic Intentions in the New Year

As a certified coach, the one thing I always tell my clients when it comes to setting goals or objectives is to make them specific.

The more specific goals are, the easier they are to achieve because it helps us organize the steps necessary to make them happen.

As we edge closer to 2023, you may be thinking of what you want to accomplish next year, or looking at the list of things you didn't accomplish this year and wishing you would have, but don't worry, we have you covered.

This #MondayMotivation, we're sharing five tips to help you formulate SMART intentions for 2023.

Getty Images Woman writing New Year's resolutions.

Make Them Specific

The more you can zero in on what you're looking to accomplish, the better. For example, an intention such as, "I want to work out more," is not specific enough.

However, something along the lines of, "I want to implement an exercise regimen where I go running three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays," helps give you a clear and specific goal.

As you're setting this intention, ask yourself, "What do I really want to accomplish," or "What actions am I going to take?" Then put pen to paper and you're off to the races.

They Should be Measurable

How will you know if you've reached your goal if you aren't able to measure or track your progress? Making your goals measurable helps you keep track and stay on track with what you're doing.

When writing down your goal ask yourself how you'll be able to measure your progress along the way or once you have finally achieved that goal. For example, if you're looking to up the amount of exercise you're doing, use a fitness tracker. Money goals? There's an app for that, too.

Getty Images Woman writing New Year's resolutions.

Ensure they are Achievable

We often set intentions for things that may be out of our reach due to the lack of necessary skills, time or resources. For example, if you set, "Climb Mt. Everest" as your goal for 2023, perhaps it will be difficult to achieve if you've never climbed a mountain before.

It is essential to ask yourself, "Is this goal doable? Is this something I can achieve?" It doesn't mean you will never climb Mt. Everest, it just means perhaps starting with something like, "Take a climbing class," may work out better as you work up to Mt. Everest.

Make them Relevant/Realistic

Oftentimes we set intentions that don't align with our life or life purpose, which makes them harder for us to implement or achieve. If you have, "Going to the beach four times a week" as a goal but live in the Alps, it may not be relevant to your current reality.

Ask yourself how your current goal aligns with your broader goals and how achieving it will help you get closer to what you want in life.

Give Yourself a Set Time to Do It

Setting a timeframe for yourself is just as important as any other goals listed above. When writing down your goals, ask yourself, "When do I want to accomplish this? What is the timeframe for this goal?"

If you don't set a realistic (and compassion-filled) timeline for yourself, things might taper off very quickly and you'll find yourself months later wondering where you went wrong.