5 Tips for Keeping Pests Out of Your Garden

<p>The Spruce / Paige McLaughlin</p>

The Spruce / Paige McLaughlin

Reviewed by Amanda Rose Newton

While nothing can guarantee you won't have pest problems in your vegetable garden, there are some low-effort ways to cut down on the pest population. You want to avoid the conditions that invite pests into your garden in the first place. These five tips will help keep your plants healthy and problem-free.

Give Your Plants Room to Breathe

<p>The Spruce / Alandra Chavarria</p>

The Spruce / Alandra Chavarria

Many gardeners are guilty of squeezing in as many plants as will fit in any given space (and then some). This may give you a temporary sense of abundance, but it can easily lead to trouble in the long run.

Your garden must regularly get air circulation from a good breeze. Tightly packed plants invite feeding insects that enjoy shelter from the heat and cover from predators. They will raise their families in there and eat their way out. So, if you must plant closely, you must frequently monitor for pests.

Water in the Morning

<p>The Spruce / Alandra Chavarria</p>

The Spruce / Alandra Chavarria

Water in the morning, if possible. This practice offers a couple of advantages.

  • Better hydration: Your plants will be well-hydrated when the hottest part of the day arrives. They'll be less apt to wilt and become stressed, which makes them less appealing to insect pests that prey on stressed plants.

  • Dampness invites disease or pests: The leaves need time to dry off before evening. Damp plants, especially if you tend to plant things close and densely, are ideal hangouts for many garden pests, like slugs, snails, and earwigs.

It's better to water deeply once or twice a week than to wet only the soil surface and the leaves regularly. Annual plants may need even more water since they tend to have a more shallow root system.

A little rain is always welcome on rainy days; a lot can cause trouble. Monitor closely and adjust your watering schedule until the garden dries out.

Attract Toads, Frogs, and Birds to Your Garden

<p>The Spruce / Alandra Chavarria</p>

The Spruce / Alandra Chavarria

Make your garden welcoming to animals that feast on insects.

  • Frogs and toads: Sometimes, all it takes to invite them is a water bowl. Put out a toad house and wait to see if anyone takes residence. Often, they carve out a depression in the soil where they wait quietly for insects to eat for dinner.

  • Birds: They eat and nibble the seeds and fruits but also chow down on their share of insects. You probably do not have to go out of your way to attract birds to your vegetable garden; they are already there. If they aren't, plant more food sources, offer a birdhouse, trees and shrubs for shelter, or a bird bath. They don't often like feeding in the open, requiring a nearby place to hide from predators.

Court the Beneficial Insects

<p>The Spruce / Alandra Chavarria</p>

The Spruce / Alandra Chavarria

Some insects are carnivores that quickly reduce bothersome insect pests better than pesticides. Ladybug nymphs are like aphid vacuum cleaners, so welcome them to your garden with items like this ladybug house (pictured).

It doesn't take much to attract beneficial insects. The trick is keeping them around when all the pests have been eaten. Beneficial insects also need pollen and nectar as much as the protein from other insects, so grow plants they favor. An easy way to accomplish this is to allow some herbs, lettuce, and cole plants, like cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower, to flower.

Stay on Top of Your Harvest

<p>The Spruce / Alandra Chavarria</p>

The Spruce / Alandra Chavarria

Generally, falling behind on your harvest isn't a problem, but fruits falling off the plants and plopping to the ground are an easy target for insects. Any overripe fruit or vegetable still clinging to the plant tends to shift the whole plant into decline, and weak plants are the first ones that insects target.

Be sure to clean up any fallen fruits. If your zucchini or beans have grown to an embarrassing size, harvest the oversized fruits, give the plant some extra water and a light feeding, and then give it time to recoup. In the meantime, be alert for any opportunistic pests that might try to make their move.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best pest control for the garden?

Natural and organic options are the best long-term pest control options. They sustain a healthy ecosystem by inviting natural predators like amphibians, birds, and carnivorous insects to feed on problematic insects. Chemical pesticides may be stronger but can also kill beneficial pollinators and introduce environmental toxins. Consider using water sprays, increasing ventilation, and applying organic insecticides, like insecticidal soap and horticultural oils, to rid insect problems.

What keeps pests from eating and destroying crops?

To keep pests from eating crops, people use pest-resistant seeds that are genetically modified to keep pests away. Other successful methods are physical barriers, like mesh, floating row covers, fencing, and pesticides. A healthy population of beneficial insects will also keep bothersome pests in check.

What is the most common pest for plants?

The most common garden pest is aphids, followed closely by scale, mealybugs, spider mites, and leaf miners. If aphids are eating your plants, encourage ladybugs to your garden. Their favorite meal is aphids, but they also eat mealybugs and spiders.

Read the original article on The Spruce.