5 Tips From Doctors to Keep Your Family From Getting Sick

Wondering why your family keeps getting sick? We asked the pros for the stay-healthy secrets that will keep your family (mostly) symptom-free.

Medically reviewed by Monika Goyal, M.D.

Hacking all night long. Noses that drip like a leaky faucet. The dreaded stomach bug. During peak cold and flu season, many parents wonder, "Why does my family keep getting sick?" Dealing with illness is a nonstop job when you've got kids, and stopping the spread of germs can feel impossible.

To add even more fuel to the overwhelming nature of keeping on top of illnesses, Charles Gerba, PhD, a microbiologist at the University of Arizona, says that when a child comes home with a virus on their hands, within four hours, that virus is on 90% of the surfaces in that home. Yikes!

But before you throw in the hand towel, know this: There are ways to squash those buggers. While we can't promise all your days will be symptom-free, read on for five doctor-approved, stay-heathy-secrets can help keep your whole family humming.

Related: 12 Cold and Flu Myths Parents Should Know

Wash Your Hands and Sanitize

One reason your family may get sick is from not washing their hands enough. You know that frequent hand-washing is the first and most effective defense against germs, but that alone is not enough.

"Most people—kids and adults—don't wash their hands long enough or thoroughly enough to kill all the germs," says Dr. Gerba. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), you need to scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds to kill germs effectively.

Quick Tip

To make sure that your child is washing their hands for a complete 20 seconds—and killing those germs—use a timer or sing "Happy Birthday" from beginning to end twice.

The most important time to wash and sanitize hands: Whenever a family member comes home from somewhere else, such as school, work, the backyard or playground, or a birthday party—you get the idea—because they're bringing new germs home.

Other times to wash your hands include:

  • Before, during, and after preparing food

  • Before eating food

  • Before and after caring for someone who is sick

  • Before and after treating a cut or wound

  • After using the toilet

  • After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet

  • After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing

  • After touching an animal, animal feed, or animal waste

  • After handling pet food or pet treats

  • After touching garbage

Teach your kids to keep at it and ensure the soap and water reach the back of the hands, between the fingers, and under the nails. Apply a hand sanitizer to eliminate germs when soap and water are unavailable. The CDC recommends a hand sanitizer that contains 60% alcohol.

It also helps to use liquid soap because germs can remain on soap bars. Dry hands on a disposable paper towel or designate a specific hand towel for each family member.

Related: An Age-By-Age Guide To Your Kid's Hygiene

Disinfect as Often as You Can

Ask anyone where the germiest place in the house is, and they'll likely say the toilet seat. But you may be surprised to learn that's not the case. According to the NSF, a public health standards and services organization, seven of the top 10 germiest places in the home are in the kitchen. They include:

  • Sponge and dish rag

  • Sink

  • Coffee reservoir

  • Faucet handles

  • Countertops

  • Stove knobs

  • Cutting boards

According to the CDC, an estimated 48 million Americans get sick every year from foodborne illnesses. So, keeping your kitchen as clean as possible is an important defense against illness.

Clean these surfaces frequently to keep your family from continually getting sick. Use disinfecting wipes or sprays, and use paper towels instead of sponges to wipe down counters—ditto for bathroom surfaces. Replace kitchen sponges often and microwave them for one to two minutes between uses to kill germs. Don't forget shower sponges either—those cute poufs you use to clean yourself can get pretty nasty.


How It Cleans

What to Look For


Chemical that kills both viruses and bacteria

Look for products that contain alcohol, bleach, and hydrogen peroxide.


Chemical that kills only bacteria but not viruses

Look for products that say "sanitizer" on the label; you can use a dishwasher to sanitize some objects.

Surface Cleaner or Surfactants

Chemical that physically removes dirt and debris like dust, soil, and particles

Look for soaps, cleaning sprays, and detergents.

Hand Sanitizer

Chemical that kills pathogens on the skin

Look for hand sanitizers containing at least 60% alcohol to kill viruses and bacteria.

And that's not all: "Electronics can be hotbeds for the spread of germs," says New York City pediatrician Dyan Hes, MD. "Even in months when colds and flu are less likely, it is good practice to use disinfectant wipes on the devices and controllers frequently." The worst culprit in this category may be your family's cell phones because they travel everywhere, making the germs they carry more mobile.

More germy things to clean and disinfect often include:

  • Door handles

  • Stove knobs

  • Refrigerator and microwave handles

  • Faucet handles

  • Light switches

  • Toothbrush holders

  • Purses

  • Backpacks

  • Bath towels

  • Pet bowls and toys

Old-fashioned, low-tech toys need sanitizing too: Launder soft toys in the washing machine and others in a dishwasher. Or use disinfectant wipes, especially after a child in the house has been sick.

Related: What to Do About Recurring Illnesses

Clear the Air

There's a reason winter is the sick season: Everyone's cooped up in close proximity, and heaters recirculate the same contaminated air. It's a recipe for families to keep getting sick! Take advantage of unseasonably warm days and open windows to air out your house, says Dr. Hes, and when you can't do that, an air purifier is the next best option.

If going the air purifier route, get a model with a HEPA filter and change it as often as the manufacturer recommends; otherwise, it will spew the same pathogens back into the air instead of cleaning it. A humidifier is another good choice because dry air allows germs to survive longer—and the moist air will also help relieve coughs and congestion.

According to the American Lung Association, indoor air can be hazardous to your health if not maintained properly. Here are a few ways to keep your air clean:

  • Prevent mold from growing on surfaces.

  • Avoid smoking indoors.

  • Cut down on dust and pet dander with regular vacuuming.

  • Regularly clean carpets and upholstery.

  • Ventilate when painting, cooking, or kicking up dust from moving furniture.

Quick Tip

Houseplants can improve indoor air quality by efficiently removing contaminants. A 2022 study found that houseplants reduced nitrogen dioxide by 20%. Just be careful when choosing houseplants since some are toxic to young children and pets.

Don't Share Drinks or Utensils

"We all have mouths teeming with bacteria and viruses even when we seem well," notes Denver pediatrician Nancy Broady Lataitis, MD. "A bad germ might not cause symptoms for another 24 hours as it incubates. And while you may have antibodies to that germ that keep you from getting sick, the family member who just took a sip might not have the same protection."

"Do your best to avoid sharing drinks, utensils, or objects that come into contact with saliva. And please don't pop that pacifier in your mouth to 'clean' it before giving it to your baby!" she adds. Dr. Lataitis also recommends sending kids to school with their own water bottles so they can avoid the drinking fountain.

Related: Is My Kid Contagious?

Eat a Nutritious Diet and Stay Hydrated

A healthy diet keeps the immune system strong to fight off infections from bacteria and viruses, says Robert Danoff, DO, a family medicine physician in Langhorne, Pennsylvania, and program director of the Family Practice and Emergency Medicine Residencies at Aria–Jefferson Health in Philadelphia. Lean proteins and a colorful diet featuring lots of fresh fruits and vegetables provide a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants—essential nutrients to keep your family from constant illness.

Drinking plenty of water is also key: Staying hydrated has a huge impact on the immune system because it helps carry oxygen to cells so the body functions properly. Being hydrated also allows the kidneys to flush out toxins and produce lymph, a fluid that carries infection-fighting white blood cells throughout the body.

Minimizing your family's added sugar intake is also essential to staying healthy. "Excess sugar contributes to chronic inflammation in the body, which, in turn, lowers the immune system's ability to fight off illness," notes Dr. Danoff. Naturally occurring sugars in fruits and vegetables are fine; it's the added sugars in beverages, processed foods, and sweet snacks that are the problem.

Check labels for sugar content. The AAP recommends keeping kids' sugar consumption to 25 grams (6 teaspoons) a day or less.

Related: 7 Ways to Stay Healthy When Your Kid Is Sick

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