5 Things A Professional Cleaner Will Always Do When Deep Cleaning Their Own Home

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Deep cleaning is a chore—even if you’re a pro. Take it from Sandy Willis, a Molly Maid owner. But that doesn’t stop her from sticking to a schedule and tackling the job one zone at a time. Willis deep cleans her own home every three to four months, utilizing certain techniques, tips, and tricks learned on the job to make it happen with minimal stress. Here she breaks down the dos and don’ts that every professional house cleaner keeps in mind when deep cleaning their own homes.

Meet the Expert

Sandy Willias is an owner for Molly MaidNeighborly company.

They Take a Hybrid Approach

There are many roads to a clean home but, for Willis, a dual-phased process is what keeps her deep-cleaning schedule moving in the right direction. “I approach deep cleaning my home by setting aside specific times for intensive cleaning and maintaining it with smaller tasks weekly,” she says. “This hybrid approach works for me because it aligns with the busy schedule of running a cleaning service while ensuring my home remains in top condition.”

Willis explains that this strategy might see her dedicating one weekend every four months to deep cleaning, while also keeping up with her weekly schedule of taking on one type of cleaning task, like dusting or vacuuming, per day. This helps her keep up with the house without feeling overwhelmed.

They Break Their Home into Zones

Though many of us choose to do a deep-clean every six months, Willis prefers to deep clean her home a bit more frequently, opting for a full house clean every three to four months. She goes about it by breaking her house into zones or tasks. “This zoning strategy prevents burnout and ensures each area gets the attention it deserves,” she explains. “It typically takes me about two weeks to complete the whole process, dedicating a few hours every week to a specific zone or task.”

They Prioritize Health

"When deep cleaning my house, I prioritize tasks that have the most significant impact on the home's cleanliness and my family’s health,” says Willis. “This includes deep cleaning carpets, upholstery, and high-touch surfaces, as well as areas often overlooked, such as baseboards, behind appliances, and window treatments.” Because dirt and dust can slowly accumulate over time, you might not realize how impactful a deep clean of these high-traffic areas can be until you actually set to the task.

That being said, other areas like behind appliances might not be as visible or make an immediate impact on how clean your home looks, but they are still just as pivotal to keeping a clean home. “ I believe many people might not consider the importance of cleaning these areas regularly, but they can harbor a significant amount of dust and allergens,” she says.

They Set Goals

Professional cleaners, they’re just like us. Willis admits that, just like everyone else, she too finds herself putting off deep cleaning tasks. Whether it’s the time commitment, the tediousness, or even the overwhelming aspect of finally tackling a space or job you’ve been putting off, there are plenty of reasons that can cause us to hit snooze on a deep cleaning project.

"To overcome this mindset, I set small, achievable goals and remind myself how satisfying a clean home feels,” Willis says. This might mean focusing on a single task or room and then rewarding herself when the job is complete. “Turning on some music or a podcast also makes the cleaning process more enjoyable and less of a chore,” she suggests.

They Use Their On-the-Job Training, Tools, and Techniques

If you think that the pros forget everything at the door, think again. Willis says one of the benefits of her work is being able to bring it home with her—in a good way. "An interesting aspect of deep cleaning my own home is applying the efficiency and effectiveness techniques from my business,” she says. “For example, using professional-grade cleaning products and tools makes a noticeable difference in both the cleaning process and the outcome.” Taking these insights, tricks, techniques, and more and putting them to use in her own home not only helps to make the process more effective, but it can also simplify the process as well.

While many of us don’t likely have quite as many professional-grade tools and products at our disposal when it comes time to give our own homes a deep clean, Willis’ tips and tricks can certainly help lighten the load—or at least make it just a bit less daunting.

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