5 Shower Filters With Beauty Benefits

Your shower filter can improve your beauty routine. (Photo: Trunk Archive/Laurent Darmon)

I wouldn’t have believed it myself if I didn’t unwittingly do a lab experiment complete with a control, but let me tell you: a fancy shower head makes all the difference when it comes to hair and skin. After years of readily using T3’s Source Shower Head and diligently replacing the filter every few months I took a break from it since July, when my bathroom was redone and my beloved T3 was replaced by a chic, but not hair-friendly iteration. In the past few months, my hair’s been noticeably less soft and shiny and my color looks vibrant only in the weeks following a salon visit — unlike the extended benefits I was enjoying while T3 was literally making it rain. Whether hair body, shine, color retention or skin hydration is your end goal, there are a bevy of shower heads with beauty benefits on the market in addition to my go-to, the T3 Source Shower Head. Here, the best ones on the market, which do everything from showering you in vitamin C to visually displaying the temperature of your water.

Delta Temp20

This showerhead allows you to easily identify water temperature ranges offering a digital temperature readout, i.e., the sleep number of personal care. It also changes colors via an LED color indicator: blue is below 80 degrees, red for over 110. So you’ll never again scald yourself sticking an arm into the water to test its temperature. While we’ve been taught forever that washing with hot water will dry out our skin, research presented at the annual American Academy of Dermatology meeting last year proved otherwise. It focused on cleansing at different temperatures and found that those with moderate skin dryness saw better results when washing with above average temperatures. A second study confirmed the original observation and determined that 101-105ºF was the ideal temperature range for maintaining optimum skin condition.

Vitamin C Shower Head

We know that vitamin C is fantastic for skin, hence its inclusion in so many serums and moisturizers we know and love. Filtering chlorine out of your water and replacing it with the antioxidant properties of the vitamin in one fell swoop? Sign us up. Shower away while preventing and treating UV photodamage.

Jonathan Beauty Water Purification System

Like hair brand extraordinaire T3, Jonathan’s water filter system is all about creating gorgeous locks. The 2-stage shower filter is all about pH balanced water, designed to remove synthetic chemicals from the stream to keep hair and skin softer. When you think about how French women wouldn’t dream of cleansing their skin with tap water, this is a one-time expense to ensure the water with which you wash is at least of the purest quality possible. For that reason, I replace my filters every few months by setting a reminder on my phone and always wash my face when I’m in the shower.

Culligan WSH-C125 Wall-Mount

Ideal for those who don’t live on a coast, this patented filter not only reduces chlorine, it also diminishes sulfur odors and scale. But everyone will enjoy its five spray settings with massage.

Sprite Filter

It sounds like it’s on a fairy’s Home Depot shopping list, but the beauty benefits are myriad. Instead of spraying a lemon-lime stream like the sparkling beverage with which it shares a name, this shower head eliminates chlorine for a straight year. Those who deal with eczema will find the lack of chlorine helps a lot with skin dry-out.


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