5 morning habits to help you manage incontinence and make the most of your day

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RYOT Studio, Getty Images

The morning can be a hectic time, especially if you’re living with incontinence, but it doesn’t have to be. By developing a personalized routine, you can start the day in a way that will promote calm and happiness. Too often, we wake up and reach for our phones or get caught up in the stress of the day ahead. Practicing healthy habits can enhance your energy, focus and mindfulness, and it can set the tone for a positive day and get you prepared for what’s to come.

Even if you don’t consider yourself a morning person, it helps to develop a rhythm to your rituals. Not only will it promote wellness and self-care, but it can give you the confidence to take on anything that comes your way, whether your hurdle is a big meeting or managing incontinence. We partnered with Depend to ask wellness experts about the best habits to add to your morning.

1. Ground yourself

“Incorporating some type of mindfulness practice, such as meditation, breathwork or yoga into your daily morning routine can help ground and center you and play an important role in how you respond to stress throughout your day,” Kirsti Pesso, a wellness coach in New York City, said.

Scheduling meditation or breathwork in the morning will help keep you in the moment and give you time to reflect on the day ahead. Yoga can also ground you, while getting your body moving. The practice can improve general fitness and has been found to help strengthen women’s pelvic floors, which can help prevent leaks.

2. Set your intentions

“Write down two things that you want to accomplish that day and when you can get it done,” Alana Kessler, a wellness coach in New York City, said. “One thing should be super simple and another can be a part of a bigger project that you are chipping away at.”

Pesso also suggests putting aside five to 10 minutes in the morning for goal-setting and determining what you would like to get out of that day. Intentions give you inspiration and motivation for the day, and they will help you move through life with purpose, keeping the little things from bringing you down.

“When you get clear on your daily goals, you can focus your choices to that end. It will literally set the tone of your day!” Pesso added.

3. Drink water

“Starting out your day with pure lemon water is a great way to wake up your system — kick-start your metabolism, detox your system and eliminate and prepare the body for easy digestion,” Pesso said.

Drinking an 8-ounce glass of water first thing in the morning will help replenish your body. Dehydration, which can happen after a night’s rest, can irritate the bladder. A big glass of water can help you get on track for the rest of your day.

While a hot cup of coffee might seem like a more appealing beverage choice, caffeinated drinks can actually trigger leakage problems. Pesso suggests a warm glass of water with freshly sliced ginger and a little bit of raw honey for those cold days.

4. Do something you love

The best thing about a morning ritual is that it’s about putting time aside for you. Instead of reaching for your phone to answer emails, grab your favorite book or turn on music you love. Use this time to remind yourself of your needs.

“Set your alarm an extra half hour earlier than normal to take your time doing one thing for your creativity,” said Kessler. “I like to free-form journal and sing a song.”

5. Eat a healthy breakfast

“Starting your day with a plant-based, wholesome, balanced, healthy breakfast — colorful whole foods, protein, complex carbs, healthy fats — will keep you full, energized for a busy day, and stabilize your mood and your blood sugar,” said Pesso.

What you put into your body in the morning can also affect the rest of your day. A healthy breakfast will help you feel energized and focused. Breakfast is also a great time to incorporate fiber-rich foods like bran cereal and oatmeal, which can help with incontinence and keep digestion regular.

“You’ll have more energy throughout the day and a stronger ability to focus and concentrate on the demands of the day,” Pesso added.

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