5 Moods You'll Experience During Your Engagement

Each stage of your engagement brings new excitement and a few challenges. Whether you're in the announcement stage, planning stage, or counting down the days stage, you'll experience a few different moods along the way. Here's 5 you will encounter. Ring Selfieee

via GIPHY You can't deny it, you have a big sparkly ring on your finger and you can't stop staring. Don't worry, we can't either. This mood won't last forever. Take all of the ring selfies you want and ENJOY being able to tell people you're newly engaged. Sparkle tip: Windex and a toothbrush makes your bling POP, plus it's safe to use on your diamond. If you don't have a diamond, just be sure to check with your jeweler for tips on cleaning. J-Lo in The Wedding Planner

via GIPHY No matter how experienced you are in planning parties, at some point during your engagement you'll want to throw up your hair in a french twist, pull on a powder blue blazer and plan. that. wedding. You may experience mild stress but you'll handle it like J-Lo would... with complete zen. Planning tip: Find a fun binder/notebook/planner that helps you visually bring your wedding together as you make the arrangements. The binder makes it even more fun. *Sobs*

via GIPHY Once the wedding arrangements have been made and planning becomes slower, it begins to feel more real. You'll have that emotional, "OMG I'm getting married" thing. It occurs from a combination of 60% happy tears, 20% nostalgia, 15% bridal exhaustion and 5% weight of the world. Everything seems to build up emotionally and you think you can't handle. Bridal tip: Take a day for YOU. Don't stress or overthink. Just take a day to relax and not think about anything wedding related. It's important to remember that your wedding should orbit around your life, not the other way around. Chill AF

via GIPHY This mood is a great place to be. You've let go of all wedding and marriage stress and you're just lovin' life. You may have all the planning done, or not but you're choosing to rise above and just be okay. Enjoy this jolt of peace because it doesn't last for extended periods of time (some of us may experience just 5 mere minutes of Chill AF). Chill tip: Just be still. Be present in the moment. Enjoy where you're at. Being engaged won't last forever and even though it can bring many ups and downs, it also is a once in a lifetime experience to soak in. OMG I AM A QUEEN

via GIPHY Most of us don't experience this mood until the day of the wedding. It's when you feel on top of the world and get all the "I'm a bride" feels. Once you experience this, NOTHING can ruin your day. The weather could have a forecast of a storm, your groom could misplace his jacket, and your Grandparents could be vocally criticizing the wedding venue. All bummer-ish things but it doesn't matter as long as you and your groom are happy. Be the Queen for a day and brush off all the negativity, (if any). Your moods will fluctuate throughout your engagement whether it's by the day, or by the minute. Keep calm and wait for the OMG QUEEN mood because it will make everything else worth it. Then you can fell all the post-wedding feels! Style Me Pretty Contributor - Kylie Thompson is a freelance writer, blogger and marketing professional from Grand Rapids Michigan, where she resides with her husband and golden retriever. When she isn't working, you will find her exploring Grand Rapids' newest culinary establishments with her husband, or traveling up and down Lake Michigan's coast.