The Major Skincare Mistakes You’re Probably Making


[Photo: Getty/George Marks]

A solid skincare routine is the foundation for not just healthy skin, but for flawless makeup. If an angelic glow and Kardashian worthy makeup are up your alley, then pay attention to these skincare mistakes you’re probably making!

You aren’t moisturizing at both day and night:

I can’t say I believe there truly is a difference between ‘day’ and ‘nighttime’ moisturizers - but I definitely believe you need to moisturize twice a day.

Start your day off right by moisturizing your skin and let it soak in while you make your bed, pour your coffee, or do your hair! Your skin has just gone eight hours without a drink - prep your skin for a long day ahead and an application of makeup with a morning moisturization!

After a long hard day (you’re busy - I know!) it’s easy to skip the skincare - but treat your skin to a nightcap and I swear you’ll see the difference. Incorporate a moisturizer into your nighttime routine by keeping a jar on your bedside table so you don’t forget. The moisturizer will sink in overnight and you’ll wake up with dewey skin!


You’re not drinking enough water:

You get thirsty - and so does your skin! If you are having issues with dull or dry skin, it’s probably because you aren’t drinking enough water. Staying hydrated is hard - trust me I get it. Make your life easier by carrying a cute water bottle or by drinking flavored waters. Your skin will thank you for it!

You’re not using an eye cream:

Whether you’re 20 or 60, eye cream is for everything. The skin underneath the eyes is some of the most delicate and fragile skin we have - and it needs some extra attention.

Eye creams help to hydrate and even strengthen the thin skin under the eyes which helps to brighten dark circles, prevent wrinkles, and prep the under eye area for the heavy dose of concealer we’re probably going to coat on that area.

I personally have dark circles well beyond my years and have started to incorporate an eye cream into my skincare routine. Two weeks in and my eyes look so much brighter.


You’re not using face masks:

I really never understood the purpose of a face mask until last year and I am now a total addict. Face masks help to draw out all the impurities, toxins, dirt, and whatever else has clogged our precious pores throughout the day. Not to mention they are so. darn. relaxing. It’s like having a spa treatment at home. Now after a long day at work I look forward to a solid Netflix binge and a relaxing face mask.

You’re not cleaning your face properly:

While this may seem like common sense, I’m just going to say it to make sure we get it on the record: your skincare will not work if you don’t properly cleanse your face and remove your makeup.

For the longest time I resisted buying an actual makeup remover and thought that my face wash would somehow magically both remove my makeup and cleanse my skin.

After months of dull skin I finally realized that my skincare wasn’t getting a fair chance to succeed because I wasn’t properly removing my makeup - it was like I still had a barrier on my skin preventing the skincare from doing its magic.

I wised up, properly washed my face, and am working my way up towards that Kim K glow.


Do you have a skincare routine? What are your favorite products?
