5 Hair Washing Mistakes to Avoid If You Want Healthy Hair

The way you do this simple task makes a big difference.

<p>Moyo Studio/Getty Images</p>

Moyo Studio/Getty Images

Washing our hair is something we do all the time, but rarely think about. Yet, we spend so much time styling. If you feel your hair is a little oily or frizzy these days and aren’t sure why, it could be because you aren’t washing your hair the right way. According to Garnier ambassador and hairstylist Kat Thompson, you need to be very careful when handling wet hair. Why? “Hair is most fragile when it’s wet so you have to make sure to wash it properly so as not to create any damage," she says.

Here are five hair-washing mistakes stylists say you must avoid.

1. Using The Wrong Shampoo And Conditioner For Your Hair Type

With so many different shampoos and conditioners on the market, it can be hard to find the right one. Even if your hair is relatively easy to manage, it’s still important to make sure you’re using the best shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. “Some people with dryer or frizzy hair need more moisture whereas others with fiber and thinner hair need something lighter so as not to weigh it down,” says Thompson.

2. Going Overboard With Clarifying Shampoo

If you use a lot of hair products, you may want to integrate a clarifying shampoo into your routine. However, Thompson cautions against using them too frequently. “Clarifying shampoos are great to keep your scalp clean but you want to avoid using them too often so as not to strip the natural oils from your scalp.”

3. Overwashing

Whether we have naturally oily hair or sweat it out in spin a few days a week, many of us end up washing our hair every day. But note: Overwashing can cause hair to go haywire. “Over-shampooing can strip away natural oils and actually cause your scalp to overcompensate by overproducing oil. The more we shampoo, the more we are getting rid of not only dirt and tiny debris, but also oils. The scalp will then overproduce to moisturize and replace what’s been stripped away.”

Instead of washing your hair every day, try extending the time between washes by using a dry shampoo on your roots, such as Garnier Invisible Dry Shampoo.

4. Under Washing

While washing your hair once a week has been widely endorsed on TikTok, the pros aren’t always for this practice. “Not washing enough can cause build-up and block the follicles and lead to an unhealthy scalp. I suggest going at least every other day with washing until you can really see what your specific call and hair works best with,” explains Thompson.

5. Using The Wrong Water Temperature

Rinsing your hair in hot water can feel incredibly nice, but it can also be damaging, which means your hair will not look its best. “Although we love a hot shower, the hotter the water the more it can strip those natural oils away and actually make your hair more dry,” says Thompson. “The cooler the water, the more it will lead to shiny and hydrated hair. I suggest that if you like hot showers, change the water temperature for when it's time to rinse your hair to a more lukewarm temp.”

6. Hastily Drying Your Hair

You might be in a rush to get out of the shower and get going, but Thompson advises against drying your hair vigorously. “Be gentle with your hair! Press it to get the water out using a microfiber towel. It will help wavy and curly hair stay less frizzy, fine hair not break and color-treated hair stay in the healthiest condition.” 

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