5 Garden Trends You're Going to See in 2019

Some garden techniques never go out of style. But every year, there are certain plant varieties, landscaping tricks, and garden accents that stand out more than most. For example, in 2018 we saw lots of living walls, community gardens, and fire pits. See what 2019 will bring for green thumbs. Who knows—some of these trends may be here for the long run.

Boston ferns are a good go-to houseplant to finish off your room's decor.

1. Ferns as Houseplants

If 2018 was the year of the monstera, 2019 is definitely the year of the fern. There are dozens of types of ferns, each with delicate leaves and a mounded shape—and they can be grown inside as a houseplant. Ferns' ruffled foliage adds texture and green color to any corner of a room. As if you needed another reason to try this trend, these houseplants are actually known to help purify the air in your home.

Grinters Sunflower Farm in Lawrence, KS

2. Gardening by the Moon

Do you struggle to figure out when to plant your fruits and veggies? The moon may be your answer. Science suggests that, just like its effect on the tides, the moon also has an effect on soil moisture. This can make a huge difference in the success of planting crops. Not only that, but the phase of the moon has also been thought to affect the best harvest time. Look to the sky for guidance, and you may end up with stronger fruits and veggies in your garden.

3. DIY Greenhouse Kits

If you are itching for a greenhouse but feel nervous to take the leap, 2019 may be your year. Instead of buying a pre-made greenhouse or paying someone to build one, assemble your own greenhouse kit and customize it how you want—plus, it's cheaper! Most kits can be assembled in a day and come in different shapes and sizes. You can also add greenhouse accessories like an irrigation system, built-in shelving, and weatherproof flooring.

Buy it: 6' x 4' x 7' Nature Greenhouse, $360, Target

Garden plants like these varieties of heuchera, hellebore, deadnettle, and wishbone flower feature dappled, veined, striped, and edged leaf patterns.

4. Fun and Colorful Foliage

Don't be surprised if you're seeing more striped and polka-dotted plants on your Instagram feed in 2019. Insane colors and textures in plants is on the rise, and we're here for it. Coleus has always added color and texture to the garden, but more people are exploring begonias, lungwort, and heuchera. Colorful foliage is also seeing a rise in popularity—look for plum, red, chartreuse, and orange leaves for pigment in the garden.

Smart products, like this hydroponic garden, regulate the water and light levels of your indoor plants and keep garden messes to a minimum.

5. Smart Gardening

Robots are taking over your green space and doing the jobs you hate doing. Inventions like the Tertill weed-whacker and MowBot self-control lawn mowers are higher in demand and take the busy work out of caring for your garden. We're also seeing a rise in hydroponic indoor gardens and garden apps that help with landscape design, plant identification, and more.

Buy it: Miracle-Gro AeroGarden, $90, Walmart