5 Easy Ways to Be a Better Cyclist

Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team
Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team

Entrepreneur and online marketing expert Lewis Howes is also a former pro football player and a member of the US handball team, with dreams of competing at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio. The author of The School of Greatness (Rodale, October 2015) has built a career around helping people reach their potential in all areas of life.

Howes, along with 28 leaders in cycling, running, business, and health, will take part in Rodale's free online Greatness Summit, which runs from November 16 to 23. Marathon sensation Meb Keflezighi will share his secrets to developing the mentality of a champion; Men's Health Editor-in-Chief Bill Phillips will explain the power of doing something simple everyday to improve yourself; triathlete and Women's Health fitness director Jen Ator will offer advice for pushing through mental and physical challenges; and Bicycling Editor-in-Chief Bill Strickland will talk about overcoming adversity to become the best cyclist possible. You can register for the Greatness Summit here.

Here, Howes shares some secrets to performing your best on the bike.

Get started
"It’s about just getting started, getting moving, with a plan that works for you specifically. If that’s 10 miles a day, that’s where you start. If it’s 15, that’s where you start. But it’s about developing those positive habits."

Make the most of your morning
"The things you do before you get on the bike matter. All the successful people I interview for my School of Greatness podcast have a morning ritual. For me, that's an 11-minute meditation when I wake up, right before I work out. When I set an intention for the workout, it puts me in a positive state to give my best and gets me feeling productive. Without it I stop early or I don't push as hard."

Find out what you're missing
"What’s holding you back? Are you overly stressed? If so, where in your life is that stress happening? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you meditating and working on your breathing? All of these things are important, and you want to think about what you’re missing, what’s keeping you from being healthy."

RELATED: 8 Habits Fast Cyclists Swear By

Find an accountability partner
"This could be a coach that you work with, or a friend who calls you every morning and says he's not getting off the phone until you get up and put on your cycling kit."

Don't sweat the setbacks
"When you do make a mistake, whether it's eating something you shouldn't have or missing a ride, acknowledge the slipup and move on. Most people beat themselves up and then continue down that failure path, giving up completely. But you need to love yourself and get back on track."

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