5 delicious takes on TikTok's ricotta toast trend

Ricotta toast is taking over TikTok feeds, So try these five takes on ricotta toast before the trend is over. 1. TikTok chef @wholesomehedonista starts this wild blueberry ricotta toast by pan-frying some blueberries in brown sugar and placing them in an appetizing heap on top of a slice of toast coated with ricotta. Next, they add crushed pistachios, fresh mint, and a drizzle of honey. 2. TikToker @gianacarli makes this ricotta recipe by mixing two eggs with a generous spoonful of ricotta and cooking the mixture in a frying pan. She then places the scramble on some garlic-buttered toast and tops the whole thing off with fried tomatoes for a super savory breakfast. 3. Wanna join the ricotta toast trend even though you’re vegan? No problem! Plant-based TikToker @lizmoody makes her own vegan ricotta out of cashews. She then tops it off with peaches, balsamic glaze, arugula and sea salt. 4. This 10-minute recipe tops the classic ricotta toast with blistered tomatoes and chili pepper flakes for a minimal breakfast that maxes out on taste. 5. This Middle-Eastern inspired recipe spreads ricotta on a toasted pita and adds homemade za’atar, mint, sun dried tomatoes, and sumac