5 Cleaning Products We Love—All on Sale This Weekend

There are few domestic joys greater than finding cleaning products that actually work. We’re talking about those how did I ever keep my kitchen clean before this? cleaning products. You know, the ones you tell all your friends about, so when they buy them and love them you can take all the credit for their sparkling clean kitchens.

It just so happens that a few of our most favorite cleaning products are on sale this weekend, like the Brigii mini vacuum our food stylists use on set to make surfaces picture perfect. It’s technically meant for cleaning crumbs out of your computer keyboard—and it’s definitely great at that—but our editor Emily wrote about how handy this USB-charged mini vac is for cleaning hard-to-reach nooks and crannies in the kitchen too. Currently Amazon has this cute little thing on sale for 30% off.

Take a peek at the mini vac and a few other cleaning tools we love.

1. Brigii Mini Vacuum Cleaner

This tiny vacuum expertly de-crumbs your kitchen (and removes the remnants of pretzel snacks from your keyboard).

Brigii Mini Vacuum Cleaner

$43.00, Amazon


2. Swedish Dish Cloths

These dish cloths are made of biodegradable cellulose and you can use them several times over. They’re perfect if you’re trying to quit a paper towel habit.

Swedish Dishcloths Cellulose Sponge Cloths, 12 Pack

$24.00, Amazon


3. The Ringer

The Ringer is our favorite tool for cleaning cast-iron skillets—but it’ll also help you tackle baked-on sheet pan messes.

The Ringer

$35.00, Amazon


4. Bar Keepers Friend

Staff writer Kendra Vaculin loves Bar Keepers Friend for removing baked-on grease from her cookware and stovetop. Those scorch marks you thought would never come off the bottom of your stainless-steel skillet? Bar Keepers Friend will banish them.

Bar Keepers Friend Powdered Cleanser 12-Ounces (2-Pack)

$15.00, Amazon


5. Tawashi Scrubbers

Our cleaning columnist Lauren Viera recommends these Japanese scrub brushes over conventional kitchen sponges any day. The thick fibers are great for scrubbing tough messes off dishes. Plus, Tawashi brushes will last much longer than sponges—without getting smelly.

Tawashi Scrub Brush, 3-Pack

$18.00, Amazon


Originally Appeared on Epicurious