5 Celebrities Who Dress Themselves

Sometimes when we’re watching red carpets or browsing celebrity street-style shots, we get a little envious of the fabulous clothes actresses and singers get to wear. We do take some solace, though, in the fact that they’re not actually putting these incredible ensembles together themselves. Unless, that is, they are. Here, five celebrities who choose to work without a stylist. (Yes, even for red carpets.)

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Blake Lively

The artist formerly known as Serena van der Woodsen is consistently on the best-dressed list, making it even more impressive that she earns her spot on her own styling merit. Lively has famously eschewed professional help, telling WWD last month that it largely comes down to having control over her image. “Probably [I don’t have a stylist] because I have control issues and a big ego—that’s probably the honest answer,” she said. “I just like it. I love design and I love fashion and it’s a way to be creative.” With looks ranging from ultra-feminine dresses and sky-high heels to the borrowed-from-the-boys suit above, we’d say she’s doing a pretty bang-up job.

Erykah Badu

Ms. Badu has been making style statements for decades, and she’s done it all by herself. Talking to Vogue about her decision to go sans stylist, Badu said, “I make no distinction between what I wear on the street and the stage; it’s all just my style.” She continued, “I don’t work with a stylist, and I never plan what I’m going to wear, it’s always an of-the-moment thing.” She will style others, though, like she did at designer Pyer Moss’s February 2016 show at New York Fashion Week.

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Diane Keaton

If Lively and Badu are fashion chameleons, Diane Keaton, with her tailored separates and penchant for hats, is a star with a tried-and-true, incredibly consistent style. It’s a look she’s honed over decades in the spotlight—by herself. She told the UK’s The Telegraph, “I love clothes. I dress myself.” She loves her own clothes so much, in fact, that she wore them on the cover of the 2016 Hollywood Issue of Vanity Fair, standing out in a sea of black gown-clad starlets in an overcoat, cropped pants and boots.

Emmy Rossum

Whether she’s walking the red carpet at the Oscars or strolling down the street in NYC, Shameless star Rossum is wearing an outfit of her choosing. Why? She told HuffPost, “Because I love fashion and I’m that shallow.” More seriously, she added, “No, I just love playing with clothes. It’s really fun. I email the PRs or designers myself, and I pick what I want and they send it to me. And then it gets FedExed back and I never see it again.” Hey, at least she gets to pretend the clothes are hers for a few hours.

Dita von Teese

Talk about impressive: Not only does this super-glam star dress herself without a stylist, she often does her own hair and makeup (which never look anything short of impeccable). She told Into the Gloss, “I think a lot of people probably don’t know that I don’t have a glam squad and that I am self-styled—it’s all me.” She reiterated to The Daily Front Row, “I don’t have a stylist and I choose my own clothes.”

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