5 accessible devices for kids with disabilities

Here are 5 cool gadgets designed to meet the needs of kids with disabilities. 1. Xbox Adaptive Controller . gamers with limited mobility can connect external devices such as switches, buttons, mounts, and joysticks to create a custom controller experience. 2. MusicGlove Hand Therapy for PC and Mac. The device is FDA recommended for neurological recovery to improve mobility for hands and fingers. 3. Dot Watch: The World’s First Braille Smartwatch. Once the Dot is connected to a smartphone through Bluetooth, each smartphone functionality, such as texts and alerts, is translated into braille. 4. QuadStick FPS game controller. Designed specifically for quadriplegic individuals, the Quadstick offers a hands-free approach to gaming on consoles and PCs. 5. Linelax Silicone Adaptive Hand Mobility Aid . This multifunctional tool assists with hand mobility and is perfect for people living with limited hand functionality, cerebral palsy, and other muscle or neurological conditions