45 Funny April Fools' Day Jokes That Will Make Everyone Laugh Out Loud (We're Not Even Kidding)

April Fools' Day Jokes

The first of April comes and goes quickly without many of us realizing it (unless we've been pranked). Before we know it, we're well into April when suddenly, we realize: "I missed April Fools' Day!" Don't let the most prank-filled day of the year pass you by this year. These funny April Fools' jokes will be sure to leave the whole room laughing and slapping their knees—we're not even kidding.

Not all of us are natural-born pranksters who want to replace the middle of Oreos with toothpaste or spend time making brussel sprout cake pops. Or, maybe you have kiddos running around and want to keep the day appropriate, while still bringing them some laughs. You don’t need to pull a bunch of pranks to make it a fun April Fools’ Day! All of these jokes about this popular 24-hour period of tricks are kid-friendly and bound to make folks of all ages chuckle. 

Whether you’re searching for one-liners, silly knock-knock jokes, or just some punny sayings that will leave you thinking, we’ve got them all! Tuck these 45 quips in your back pocket because April 1 is officially here! 

Related: Show off Your Inner-Jokester With These 60 Outrageous April Fools' Day Pranks!

45 Best April Fools' Jokes

1. What monster plays the most April Fools' jokes? Prankenstein. 

2. What’s a stepladder’s favorite holiday? April Stools’ Day.



3. What's the difference between Thanksgiving and April 1st? On Thanksgiving, you're grateful and on April 1st, you're prankful.

4. What’s the April Fool’s lucky card in the deck? The Joker.

5. What is a gas pump's favorite holiday? April Fuel's Day! 

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6. What did April Fools’ Day say after it won an award? Prank you very much!

7. Knock, knock! Who's there? Noah. Noah who? Noah good April Fools' joke?

8. Why were the monkeys pranking each other? It was the first of Ape-ril!

9. How can you tell when April is happy? There's a spring in its step. 

10. Why was the donkey annoying his friend? It was April Mules' Day!



11. Excuse me, sir/madam. Do you think they named April Fools’ Day after you?

12. If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims.

13. How would a husband scare his wife on April 1st? By opening a new prank account. 

14. What did the tree say to the flower? I'm rooting for you!

15. Can February March? No, but April May. 

Related: Who Were the First Pranksters? No Jokes Here—All About the Origin of April Fools' Day! 

16. What would you name a research organization that was founded on April 1st? A Think Prank. 

17. Did you hear about the daisy that was excited about spring? It was so excited it wet its plants.

18. Why do bees become so indecisive after April? They become may-bees. 

19. Why are babies born on March 31st so easy to prank? They were literally born yesterday.

20. What did the villain say to the superheroes who thought it was still March? It's April, Fools!



21. What did one spring chicken say to the other? You're looking egg-cellent today.

22. What do you call a toilet that's overflowing on April 1st? A septic prank.

23. Did you hear about the cloud that tried catching some fog? It mist.

24. What do you write in a birthday card for someone who was born on April 1st? You can prank me later.

25. Knock, knock! Who's there? Otto. Otto who? You otto know April Fools' is today!

26. Tomorrow is April Fools' Day, so believe no one and trust nothing. Just like every other day of the year!

27. What do storm clouds wear under their pants? Thunderwear.

28. How is the letter "A" like a flower? A bee comes after it.

29. What do you call a hammer bought on April 1st? An April tool.



30. What kind of gardens do bakers grow? Flour gardens.

31. Keanu Reeves lost all the April Fools' jokes. Luckily, he found the May tricks!

32. I played an April Fool’s Day joke on my parkour team this morning. They all fell for it!

33. What did the tree say after it got through April 1st prank-free? That was a re-leaf!

34. Why do eggs like April Fools' Day? They love practical yolks.

35. Did you hear about the man who swapped labels on the gas station pumps? It was an April Fuels’ Day joke.

36. Knock, knock! Who's there? Beak. Beak who? Beak careful that you don't get pranked on April Fools' Day

37. When's the best time of year to buy a trampoline? In the spring.

38. How do April flowers kiss? With their tu-lips!

39. Knock, Knock! Who's there? April! April who? April Fools!



40. What do bees use to fix their hair? Honeycombs.

41. Why can April jump so high? It's got a lot of spring!

42. Why is everyone exhausted on April 1st? Because they’ve just finished a 31-day March.

43. Which superhero likes April the most? Robin.

44. What is the worst day to propose? April Fools' Day!

45. When do gorillas fall from the sky? During Ape-ril showers.

Next Up:
- April Fools' Day Memes
- The Best Pranks for Parents To Play on Their Kiddos
- Funny April Memes for the New Month
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