44 People Who've Already Experienced A Far More Brutal 2023 Than They Ever Could've Prepared For

1.This person whose Nintendo Switch was thrown in the toilet by some kid who got into their dorm room:

  u/Any_Violinist_6205 / Via reddit.com

2.This person who accidentally let their shorts touch the airport bathroom floor:

wet shorts in the bathroom

3.This person who offered to clean the room of the kid they were babysitting and opened the door to this:

pile of soda cans and trash

4.This person whose cash got damaged in a flood and then was refused to be accepted by the bank:

money laid out with water damage

5.This person whose patient forgot they were coming:

text exchange saying the person was out of town

6.This person whose dog was determined to open that dang door:

dog ate half of the door

7.This person who learned the hard way that there was no floor support in their attic:

hole in the ceiling

8.This person whose lunch was undercooked:

raw chicken sandwich

9.This person whose car broke down and then found a bunch of SHRIMP under the hood:

  u/egirlfoodie / Via reddit.com

10.This person whose washing machine just broke down out of nowhere:

A broken laundry machine

11.This person who got on a three-hour flight, opened their headphones case, and saw it was empty:

  u/Jmac0585 / Via reddit.com

12.This person whose laundry day became a huuuuge obstacle:

An empty laundry room

13.This person whose McChicken was missing something:

no chicken

14.This person who couldn't enjoy their flight:

person's bare feet on the plane tray

15.This person whose job started charging employees to use the microwave:

$2 to use the microwave

16.This person whose Tinder match wasn't looking for love:

person looking for weed

17.This person who received a small dinner at the nursing home:

small chicken wing

18.This person who left their phone under the industrial paper cutter at work:

sliced phone

19.This person who had a cooking mishap:

A broken pan

20.This person whose dog got locked in the laundry room, pooped, and made a mess of it:

poop all over their floor

21.This person whose teacher took points off their paper because they submitted minutes before it was due:

A notice about why a person got points taken off an assignment

22.This person whose water turned brown during a shower:

  u/LCFarrar / Via reddit.com

23.This person whose hot tub fell:

  u/Curious_Bar348 / Via reddit.com
  u/Curious_Bar348 / Via reddit.com

24.This person who was threatened with eviction by their landlords:

"or an eviction process will be carried out..."

25.This person who went to work and learned about the new bathroom rules:

A notice about bathroom usage

26.This person who drank a glass of tap water late at night, realized it tasted weird, and then turned the lights on:

brown water

27.This person who tried on someone else's ring and it got stuck:

A ring stuck on someone's purple finger

28.This person who bought a new phone and dropped it a few hours later:

A broken phone

29.This person who got a bottle of URINE in their Amazon Fresh order 🤢:

A bottle with yellow liquid

30.This person who found concerning messages on their girlfriend's phone:

Screenshot of a text exchange

31.This person who got their own Wi-Fi set up but was told they still had to pay for shared internet in their apartment building:

Text explaining an internet fee

32.Also, this person whose car was struck by a falling DINING ROOM CHAIR while on the highway:

A broken windshield

33.This person who couldn't get a refund on an Uber Eats order even though their order was missing items:

"I'm afraid, we're not able to refund or adjust this order."

34.This person whose boss told them to close in -40 degree weather:

Screenshot of a text exchange

35.This person who got an Airbnb just for the bath, and then this happened:

A tub with dirty water

36.This person who's never getting this stain out:

Spilled paint in a car

37.This person whose shoes were messed up by airport security:

A stain on someone's shoe

38.This person who was awarded a mint for going above and beyond at work:

A note with a mint

39.This person who was wasting time and ingredients at their job because of prank callers:

"Last night they had over $500 of prank orders"

40.This person whose ex blocked them before paying them back the $30K they owed:

Screenshot of a text exchange

41.This person whose car was struck by a falling tree:

A tree on a car

42.This person whose engagement ring was eaten by their friend's dog:

X-ray of a ring in a dog's stomach

43.These people in Canada who were the first to suffer from Netflix's new password sharing rules:

A Netflix screen

44.And this person who made the mistake of putting dish soap in the dishwashing machine:

Soap on the floor