The 42 Most Brutal Things People Said "Boomers Love" In 2023 That Are Funny Because They're True

2023 is almost over!

a man sitting in front of his laptop
Prostock-studio / Getty Images/iStockphoto

That obviously means it's time for me to scour X, aka Twitter, for random things people said about boomers this year.

a woman behind her laptop and holding a magnifying glass
Andrii Iemelyanenko / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Here are some of the funniest "boomers love" posts from 2023...

1. The 🤬 emoji:

Twitter: @ma11ori

2. Mispronouncing Dua Lipa's name:

Twitter: @streetthotz

3. Ending phone conversations by saying "bye now":

Twitter: @welldonebrain

A bunch of old people holding phones and saying "bye now"
Lucigerma / Getty Images

4. Running into people they know at grocery stores:

Twitter: @manutebolshevic

5. Printing:

Twitter: @CornilisRye

"Let's print"
Imagenavi / Getty Images/imagenavi

6. Bitmojis:

Twitter: @NicholasGerlach

7. Posting 3D photos on Facebook:

Twitter: @acereject

8. Saying "so much for FAST food" at McDonald's:

Twitter: @hellyeah_TA

9. Saying "Is that it?!" at the end of a movie:

Twitter: @eddieczuba69

"Is that it?!"
Staticnak1983 / Getty Images

10. Saying "So, what's going on in here?" when they enter a room:

Twitter: @ZombiManos

11. Taking videos at concerts with the flash on:

Twitter: @morganaaanne

a man taking a photo on his phone
A_columbo / Getty Images

12. Making the brand of soda they drink their entire personality:

Twitter: @commonsense110

13. Printing receipts:

Twitter: @Just_Phintastic

14. Talking about how high interest rates used to be:

Twitter: @illdiscourse

15. The term "He has never worked a day in his life":

Twitter: @shulmanben

16. Texting you to alert you that they sent an email:

Twitter: @schoolboyycole

"just texting you to let you know i sent you an email"
Zorica Nastasic / Getty Images

17. Typing like this "...":

Twitter: @hawksnestna

18. Watching FB videos on full volume:

Twitter: @toellsnemesis

19. Commenting "WHO?!" on every Facebook post about a celebrity they've never heard of:

Twitter: @daodonovan

20. Saying "You're so fast" as they watch people text:

Twitter: @HateAtChee

21. Slowly examining receipts while walking out of stores:

Twitter: @twoweeksfromno1

A woman looking at a receipt
Halfpoint / Getty Images

22. Standing in the door of establishments:

Twitter: @f3rrisbuell3r

23. Saying "I think they only got one person working here" in busy stores:

Twitter: @huskycat724

"Nobody wants to work anymore..."
Jose Carlos Cerdeno Martinez / Getty Images

24. Wishing you happy birthday in a comment on someone else's happy birthday post:

Twitter: @Saint_Quinn

25. Joking about drinking:

Twitter: @A_Marshan

26. Saying "We got here at the right time" whenever a line forms:

Twitter: @marymostlymeows

People standing in line
Thierry Hebbelinck / Getty Images

27. Thinking the first line of any song is the song's title:

Twitter: @botsy_

28. Joining FB groups and posting "Why can't I post in the group?":

Twitter: @BigBicNick

29. Waiting for Ubers in the cold even though you know exactly where the car is:

Twitter: @whispyws

30. Talking to a real person:

Twitter: @KelKelKelKel

"Can I speak to a human being"
Ajr_images / Getty Images

31. Standing up immediately when the plane lands:

Twitter: @shuppp10

32. Pointing the remote control at the TV like a gun:

Twitter: @FrenPerikles

33. Calling TV shows "programs":

Twitter: @Bgamer90

34. Taking bad iPhone pictures at weddings:

Twitter: @Maxxxturner

35. Traffic:

Twitter: @theGlenn

36. Blurry memes about math:

Twitter: @schlabby1

37. Asking if there are any specials:

Twitter: @princess_zeldin

38. Calling microwaves "the nuker":

Twitter: @BryceLenox21

a woman standing next to her microwave
Ajr_images / Getty Images

39. Minion memes:

Twitter: @adam_swensen

40. Leather phone cases:

Twitter: @o_b_h_

41. Using "Hey Siri" for everything:

Twitter: @ramathegodess

42. And lastly, making important phone calls in doctor office waiting rooms:

Twitter: @myredhand

"Hello Pam"
Lourdes Balduque / Getty Images