Just 41 Of The Funniest License Plates We've Seen

These license plates are so funny, they could honestly cause an accident.

1. This license plate that takes on a new meaning with a simple flip:

2.This license plate that is just telling the truth:

3. IYKYK...:

4.Just...all of these:

5. You shouldn't laugh, but you will:

6. Where is Mrs.???:

7. This iconic one:

8.This license plate will make you look twice:

9.Again, all of these:

10.If you're a gamer, you'll get it:

11. Pixar fans, rise up:

12.I'm jealous of this one:

13. It works for somebody:

14. A bit of a yikes:

15.Catch that Arrested Development reference:

16.This is just relatable:

17. I laughed out loud at this one:

18. This license plate sounds like the number you'd call for a good time:

19.All of these license plates:

20.This license plate that is never wrong:

21. This license plate is just appropriate:

22.You know what? It's true:

23.This license plate is clever:

24. This license place for your resident DINK household:

25.Again, these:

26.If you read fast, it's correct:

27.This license plate for the dads:

28.This license plate should win best pun:

29.This one hits close to home:

30. This license plate that is...correct:

31.This one:

32.This license plate to get for that one family member:

33. This license plate for Star Wars fanatics:

34.This license plate that's the punchline of a joke:

35.This one...*eye emoji*:

36.Shart strikes again:

37.These license plates:

38.This license plate that we can all relate to:

39. This license plate that's straight-up accurate:

40. This license plate that's pushing boundaries:

41.These are both kinda gross, but still funny:

This post contains content previously curated by Audrey Engvalson, Matthew Perpetua, and Kevin Smith. It was compiled by Laura Frustaci.